Time Heals

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It was cold as Jimin stepped outside. The brisk air filled his lungs and he immediately felt energized. This moment felt familiar, like a faint memory in the back of his mind. When he was younger, his mother kept telling him, that time would eventually heal all wounds. On this day, Jimin noticed that she was right. Time had passed, he was feeling better. It was the last day before the Christmas vacation started and Jimin was heading to campus one last time, to return a book he had borrowed from the library. The subway was speeding through the tunnels as Jimin was browsing the new arrivals in the music app on his phone. He blinked twice as he spotted the new BigBang album everyone was talking about. Thinking about Jiyong still hurt a little, but most of his negative feelings had turned into positive ones. He was happy for Jiyong. He did not quite know, if the smile on Jiyong's face he saw on TV was real, but he seemed happy. After all, music was Jiyong's one true love. How was I ever supposed to compete with that, Jimin asked himself as the subway arrived at the university station. Jimin's new apartment was actually closer to the campus than the place he had shared with Jiyong. Sure, he did not live in a palace anymore, with money and clothes that other people could only dream of. But he also did not live in a palace with tight security anymore, where he could barely do anything on his own devices. He exchanged financial freedom for actual freedom. Sure, there were good days and bad days, but Jimin was sure that he made the right decision.

He was just sitting down in the library cafe, when his phone vibrated. He settled down, took the lid off of his coffee and put his headphones back in. He unlocked his phone with a swipe and opened the messages app.

1:42pm Taehyung: hi boooiii. change of plans, kookie and i are gonna come down with you today instead of going tomorrow. get exciteeed. also please send the details on the train you are taking again, thx

1:43pm Jimin: okay, will do. let's meet at the station at 3:30. and no minute later

Jimin smirked. His friends had been by his side the whole time. He received all the support he needed in these tough times. Taehyung still apologized to this date, about the fact that him and Jungkook were unavailable at the evening Jimin and Jiyong parted ways. Since talking on the phone was allowed in the cafe area of the library, Jimin switched apps and tapped the first name in his contact favorites. It rang two times until a sleepy voice picked up. „You disrupted my midday nap" „Yeah, yeah. Nice day to you too Yoongi. Also it is almost two which means that you have to get up soon anyways. You better not miss the train home", Jimin said. „You know I wouldn't", Yoongi replied, which made Jimin blush a little. „Good. I have bad news for you though. The train ride home might end up not being as quiet and peaceful as you would like", Jimin explained carefully. „What do you mean", the older asked. Jimin swallowed, he could literally hear Yoongi's mood drop even further. „Tae and Kookie are going to come down with us. You can imagine how excited they are about going with us and about going home for Christmas anyways" „Oh", Yoongi lazily said. „I can deal with that I think. As long as you entertain them." „Ohh, okay good", Jimin answered cheerfully. „I need to finish up my nap, Chim. I will see you at the train station, okay?" „Okay, sure. I will see you there", Jimin replied as he ended the call.

The high speed train had left Seoul Station some time ago and was speeding through the countryside, bringing Busan closer and closer. The sun was already going down, creating an almost cozy atmosphere in the dimly lit train. Jungkook and Taehyung had been full of energy at the beginning of the train ride and were now passed out on the opposite side of Jimin and Yoongi, heads on each others shoulders. „Are you excited about seeing your parents", Yoongi suddenly asked, his voice low and raspy. Jimin turned to him and thought about it for a second. „Actually yeah. I am excited. I feel like, since I have been incredibly open with them, after Jiyong and I fell apart, we have grown much closer than before. Maybe they were also relieved to some extend, that my life was slowing down a bit, becoming more normal." Yoongi nodded. „I get that. What about you though, do you miss it? The exciting life?" Jimin fiddled with his jacket zipper, contemplating his answer. „I don't think I do", he finally said. „Money, clothes and travel are cool, yeah. But what's it worth if in exchange I am trapped in an apartment with close to no personal freedom. I am a very expressive and emotional person, that just doesn't fit with a lifestyle where you are expected to shut up if something annoys you." Yoongi chuckled. „Well, I for one am very glad that you don't have to shut up anymore." „Is that so", Jimin teased. „Let's see for how long you will be." Yoongi's face turned serious as he turned to Jimin and locked him into his piercing gaze. „I will never be tired of it", he finally said. Jimin smiled and blushed slightly at Yoongi's statement, while the older was grinning victoriously. They were still engaging in light and quiet conversation as the first city lights started to pass by and it was announced that Busan Station was coming up shortly.

Jimin took another bite of his Christmas dinner. „Mom, I swear, I can not handle anymore food for the next week." His mother smiled in response. „Well, judging by how much everyone ate, I assume I outdid myself again this year." Jimin just nodded in response, almost too full to even process one word she said. Not only the food was distracting him. He had also received a somewhat ominous text earlier. He did not quite know what to think of the message, it did not really reveal anything. Just as Jimin was about to plop down on the couch, his phone vibrated. Speak of the devil, he thought as he tapped the familiar name on the screen. „Mom, Dad, I will be heading out for a bit." His dad sighed in response. „Don't be too long, you know this is a family night", he noted. Jimin chuckled at the statement, it reminded him of old times, when he was younger and had curfews and duties at home. „Sure dad, no worries", he shouted from the hallway as he put on his shoes. He opened the front door and there he stood with his head full of dyed gray hair. His looks and his aura were still as mesmerizing as they were back in high school. Some things never change, Jimin concluded. „Are you coming or do you want to just stare at me funny", Yoongi asked with a smirk on his face. Yeah, some things never change, Jimin thought again, as he stepped down the porch.

They arrived at the park, where Jimin and his friends used to hang out. „Yoongi, do you really just want to go for a walk, is anything up?", Jimin asked curiously. The older had an unreadable smile on his face, eyes sparkling under the moon light. „No, nothing is up. Just wanted to see you on Christmas that's all. You've been so busy hanging out with your family." He was not wrong. Since arriving in Busan a couple days ago he had been spending a lot of time with his family. „I know. I was really excited to see them, sorry for being busy", Jimin answered quietly. „I'm just teasing, I totally understand", Yoongi replied with a smile. „Let's walk for a bit." Something felt special about the night. Maybe it was the Christmas spirit in the air, maybe it was the beautiful sky above Busan. The park was empty, everyone was at home celebrating. The silence was incredible, it was so astonishingly different from Seoul. Suddenly Yoongi spoke up. „You know, I wish we would have met earlier. We could have been a cute couple in high school", he stated, like it was the most usual thing to say. Jimin gasped. „Where did that suddenly come from. That was unexpected", he added with a nervous chuckle. „No, it was not unexpected at all. At least for me", Yoongi replied. He took a step forward and stopped in front of Jimin, getting ready to say what he had planned out in his head a thousand times. „Listen Jimin. I don't want to rush anything, I just want you to know. I have made many mistakes in my life, but fucking up what we could have been is definitely one of the biggest. I accepted that you found the right person for you, that I was just too late, that I missed my chance. But I promised myself, that if I would ever get another chance, I would not miss it. If I'd ever see another shooting star pass by, I would do anything necessary not to miss it. I would cherish it and give it my all. I am still far from perfect, but I acknowledge the mistakes that I have made. I am begging you, that once you are ready - please give me another chance, to show you, that I am much more than the person that rejected you years ago. I will show you that I have the ability to be a great boyfriend and I will give it all I have, as long as you let me."

Jimin just stood there, looking at Yoongi, mind completely blank. He did not know what to say. All he could do was look at Yoongi. All he saw was the person Yoongi had become. High school Yoongi felt like a memory now, all he could see was how the last couple years shaped Yoongi into a great person. The person he always had the potential to be, but just could not let come out yet. Suddenly, he was sure, that all the things Yoongi had said, were nothing but the truth. Time could heal and people could change. Since Jimin still did not have the power to speak, he grabbed Yoongi's cold hand and pulled him into a hug. Head resting on Yoongi's shoulder, he was wishing the moment would never end. After what felt like an eternity, he finally regained his ability to speak. „Okay", was all he was able to answer quietly. He could feel Yoongi smile in response. „Are you ready for your Christmas present?", Yoongi asked, pushing Jimin away lightly. Jimin nodded, trying to hide his watery eyes. „Here you go, happy Christmas", Yoongi said, as he handed Jimin a small red velvet box, golden letters printed on it. „You need to read the inside, that's the important part." Jimin opened the box and found the most simple silver ring. He inspected it carefully and gave Yoongi the most baffled look. „It is beautiful, but since when are you so cheesy", Jimin asked with a grin, as a single tear escape his eyes. This time, Yoongi pulled him closer. „Well I have some years of cheesiness to catch up on", he answered cheerfully. Both chuckled at that statement, still holding hands under the Busan night sky as a single shooting star passed by.

You are my Orbit

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