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Jimin was nervous. Today was the big day, the day he had been working towards for the last couple of months. He was in front of the mirror, adjusting his suit and tie one more time, when there was a subtle knock on the door. Jimin turned around and Jiyong stepped into the room. Jimin swallowed. „You look amazing", he said, eying Jiyong up and down in his custom-made suit. „Pretty sure you will still upstage everyone at graduation, Chim", Jiyong answered with a smile. He stepped closer and pulled Jimin into a hug. Even though this was about the hundredth time, Jimin stilled blushed. Jiyong kissed him on the forehead. „I am very proud of you, today is your day", he added. „Aiish, stop. You're making me blush", Jimin exclaimed. „That's the goal", Jiyong chuckled. Jimin sighed. „You're too much, thanks for coming today. I am sure it wasn't that easy to make that happen with your schedule." „Anything for you", the older replied and winked. „You're way too much today!", Jimin yelled and pushed Jiyong out of the room to wait with his parents. He adjusted his outfit one last time, grabbed some rings and left the room. He stepped down the stairs where his parents and Jiyong were waiting for him. His mom had teary eyes which made Jimin laugh. „Mom, you need to relax. I am just graduating high school." „I know, I know, but you're growing up. Graduating, going to college, having a meaningful relationship", she shot Jiyong a glance which made him blush. „Anyways, we need to get going", Jimin's dad noticed. Jiyong pulled up his mask, put on his sunglasses and hid his neon green hair under a black hat. They stepped through the front door and followed the bodyguards to the car in the driveway.

„Yoongi, why are you in such a bad mood? We are finally graduating today. You should be beyond excited. Not only did you hate school, you also barely made it", Namjoon laughed at the memory. Yoongi just scoffed, dropping his head back down onto the pillow. He was not in the mood for the stupid graduation ceremony. He did not care at all. He just wanted to get it over with. This might be the last time I get to see Jimin, he noticed. Since leaving the hospital a couple months ago he had not talked much to Jimin. They were friendly with each other, but the distance between them grew bigger. He did not even know what Jimin would be up to, now that school was about to be over. The thought of not seeing Jimin anymore hurt him more than he had expected. He was beyond envious of Jiyong who got to hang out with Jimin all the time, know about his future plans, be close to him, be around him, see his smile all the time, hear him laugh. Yoongi's stomach turned at the thought. „You know what Joonie", Yoongi finally said. „What?", Namjoon turned around from the mirror. „We should go super hard tonight to celebrate that we're finally done with this crap." „Stop reading my mind Yoongi. We also need to celebrate that we both got into Seoul University. I literally have no idea how you made it." Yoongi laughed. „There is pretty much nothing in our fucked up world that you can't buy with enough money. Including university spots." „Fair enough", Namjoon replied. „Also, move your lazy ass, we need to get going if we want to get this stupid piece of paper that will finally free us from this town."

Jimin, his family, Jiyong and two bodyguards stepped through the entrance of the school. He was incredibly nervous. Firstly, it was finally his graduation day, the day he had been anticipating for so long. Secondly, Jiyong, aka G-Dragon, aka a mega star, aka his boyfriend, was with him. Everything happened highly confidential, but Jimin was still anxious about someone recognizing Jiyong or the bodyguards being too obvious. If anyone would notice who the tall man was, who was hiding his face and walking next to Jimin, hell would break lose. The day before, the internet went insane when Jiyong was spotted at Incheon Airport and nobody knew where he was going. Fortunately, his arrival in Busan went quietly. Jimin's parents demanded that Jiyong would stay at their house over night, even though Jimin's dad also insisted that Jiyong slept in the guest room. Jiyong kindly accepted while Jimin was as red as a tomato. They reached the main hall and Jimin sent a prayer to the higher powers, wishing that this day would pass without any problems. He waved his entourage goodbye and made his way to one of the rows in the front, where the graduates were situated. „You're late", Taehyung hissed as Jimin sat down next to him. „Is he here?", he added with sparkling eyes. „Yes, but don't be too obvious." It was too late, Taehyung turned around and searched the crowd with big eyes. Jiyong noticed and waved a friendly hello. „Oh my god", Taehyung squealed as he turned back around. „You're embarrassing", Jimin said with a smirk on his face. „Shut up, you might be used to it by know, but I am still about to pee my pants every time I see your famous boyfriend." „You know, you really need to talk more quietly", Jimin scolded the younger. Taehyung just rolled his eyes in response.

„Park Jimin." His heart was beating incredibly fast as he stood up to make his way to the stage. Jungkook and Taehyung were already happily holding their diplomas with sparkling eyes as Jimin squeezed through the row. He walked up the stairs onto the stage and stepped close to the director. „Congratulations Mister Park", the director said as he handed Jimin his diploma. He turned to the crowd and spotted his parents clapping and Jiyong giving him a thumbs up. He was about to turn back when he noticed another face in the crowd. Yoongi was staring at him. Jimin stopped his motion and stared back. A little smirk formed on Yoongi's face as he winked. Jimin's mind was once again running wild, but he managed to collect his thoughts, bow quickly and leave the stage. He stumbled back to his seat. „Even when getting your diploma you look dazed", Taehyung said. „Just shut up Tae", Jimin shot back while smiling.

Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook, Jiyong and of course, the bodyguards, were leaving the school together. The mood was ecstatic. Laughs, smiles and happiness were in the air. Jiyong had his arm loosely around Jimin's shoulders, as the other boys walked next to them. „So what's the plan again for tonight?", Jungkook asked. Taehyung sighed. „We went over this a hundred times Kookie. Dinner with parents now and later we're meeting at Jimin's house to celebrate", he repeated. Everyone nodded in agreement. They were stepping through the front gate of the school, when someone called Jimin's name. They turned around and saw Yoongi standing next to the entrance. Jiyong faced Jimin with a worried expression. „Do you want me to come with you?" Jimin shook his head. „I'll be fine, just go ahead and give me five minutes." Jiyong nodded and the others proceeded through the gates. „Hi, Yoongi", Jimin said as he stepped closer. „Hey", the older replied. „You look nice today", he added. Jimin blushed slightly. „Thank you, so do you." „I am hosting a party tonight, Namjoon, Hoseok and Jin will be there as well. You guys should come." Jimin sighed. „Thank you for the invite, but I don't think we can. You might have noticed, Jiyong is here. We're limited in the things we can do", he chuckled. Yoongi's expression darkened a bit. „I see. Well, it was nice to see you Jimin. Good luck with whatever you have planned for the future." „Thank you, Yoongi. Take care of yourself. Good luck to you too." Jimin smiled brightly, turning his eyes into crescents. Yoongi frowned as Jimin turned around to walk away. He stopped and faced his hyung one last time. „Goodbye Yoongi." The two words were still ringing in Yoongi's head as Jimin walked past the school gates, vanishing out of Yoongi's sight. „Goodbye Jimin", he whispered to himself.

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