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„Jimin, please! Stop running!", Jiyong yelled as he was trying to keep up with Jimin's speed. „There's no need. You've said all you had to say. That clears up things pretty well." Jimin was still running down the hallway of the venue, not stopping anytime soon. Jiyong grabbed his hand. „Please, don't make a scene out of this, what will the staff think." Jimin turned around abruptly, his eyes flaming. „Oh, I know damn well what the staff will think. And I also know that that's all you care about. You care about what the whole world thinks about the great G-Dragon. There's only one person's opinion and feelings you don't care about. You've proven that once again today. Now let me go", Jimin said, as he ripped his arm out of Jiyong's grip. Without any further hesitation he stormed down the hallway and out the door. „Mr. Park, where are you.." „Not now", Jimin interrupted as he stepped towards the security gates at the back entrance. He did not want to talk to anyone. He was afraid his anger would turn into pure sadness any second, so he had to leave this place. He did not want any of the staff members, bodyguards or even worse, Jiyong, to see how hurt he was.

„Yoongi, this is crazy. We have been waiting for over an hour. They've probably used a different exit." Yoongi sighed. „You won't get anywhere in life with this kind of attitude Namjoon." The younger eyed Yoongi with confused eyes. Yoongi must still have a thing for Jimin or he would not be acting this crazy, Namjoon concluded. He also concluded that it was time for him to back out of the plan. „Well Yoongi, as intriguing as it sounds to keep waiting here with you, I am gonna go. Text me if you need anything" „How dare you", Yoongi mumbled, not really caring about Namjoon's departure. Yoongi kept crouching at the corner next to the back entrance. Namjoon was not wrong, they had been waiting for a while. No, I have to stay patient, Yoongi reminded himself. He was pretty certain that there were no other exits to that place, they had to leave eventually. Twenty more minutes passed and Yoongi's legs were asleep, his neck hurt and he was tired of waiting. There probably was a different exit. What a fool he was. He got up and turned around to leave. Seconds later he heard footstep behind him, but did not bother to turn around. Jimin would have been in a car anyways, so there was no need to — BAM. Yoongi was lifted of the ground and fell straight into the side walk. „What the actual fuck", Yoongi exclaimed as he looked up to see who caused his miserable situation. „Oh my god, I am so sorry. I wasn't really paying attention to where i was running, I.." The other stopped suddenly. They both went silent, realizing who they were facing. Yoongi held his breath, unable to speak. Two whole years had passed and then, as he was about to give up, there he was. Yoongi noticed that Jimin was obviously still flustered, so he decided to get it together. „Jimin... I am sorry. Excuse my rude language, I didn't know it was you." Jimin chuckled, relaxing a little. „Since when do you apologize for your language. That's new." Yoongi sighed, Jimin's smile still warmed his heart. „Well, lots of things have changed. So why were you running from the venue anyways?" Jimin's expression darkened. He looked away to hide his watery eyes from Yoongi, but he did not succeed. „Oh god, I am sorry. I didn't mean to..." Jimin shook his head. „I know you didn't. It's nothing, I just had to get out. And that reminds me, I should probably get going. I am sorry that I ran into you", Jimin added as he pushed himself off the ground. „No, don't worry. Are you sure you want to leave? You look a little confused. Maybe talk it out with a neutral person? I am a great listener", Yoongi tried, noticing his chance slipping away. Jimin thought about it for a second. After letting out a long sigh he looked up, facing Yoongi once more. „You know what, sounds like a great idea."

„That's some tough stuff", Yoongi said as Jimin finished his short summary of what had happened between him an Jiyong in the last two years. „He basically imprisons you in your apartment. Why don't you just leave?" Jimin laughed. „You're funny. Just leave? Where should I go? I don't have money to get my own place, you know how expensive Seoul is. And it is not like I don't like him anymore, it's just hard at the moment. Maybe it will get better." Yoongi shook his head. „Didn't you just say that they're getting ready to release their new album? I don't want to make things worse, but that doesn't sound like it'll get better anytime soon." Jimin sighed. He knew Yoongi was right, but what was he supposed to do. It was not like Jiyong was successful to hurt him, if he only could be a little more considerate about Jimin's feelings. „You know, I just think that Jiyong doesn't even know how great he has it with you", Yoongi mumbled. Jimin shot him a questioning look, but decided to not investigate any further. „And now I don't know what I am supposed to do. He will be mad at me for causing a scene at the venue" „Are you kidding me", Yoongi interrupted, anger in his voice. „Mad at you for what? He publicly announced that you're nothing more to him than a model he barely knows. That's an actual reason to be mad." Jimin lowered his head in response. „It's okay. I am kind of used to it by now. I know he is forced to say these things by the management, but sometimes I start to believe him. How long can another person endure being denied in front of everyone, always being degraded, made insignificant. I don't even know how it happened or when it started, when his attitude towards me in public changed. I should have known that dating a celebrity isn't that easy after all." Jimin chuckled. „Well Jimin, you didn't make the choice. It's not like you started seeing him because you wanted to date a celebrity. You did not even know who he was. It was just a lucky coincidence... well, unlucky if you consider everything to this point." Jimin took a sip from his matcha latte. „You know Yoongi, I didn't know you were such a great listener." Yoongi blushed a little from the compliment. „I am pretty sure that is a skill I have developed in the last couple years. People do change you know." Jimin looked at Yoongi, once again, with a questioning expression on his face, wondering why Yoongi kept mentioning that he changed. „Anyways, enough about your questionable boyfriend. What are you up to in the big city of Seoul, Jiminnie?" Now it was Jimin's turn to blush at the nickname. „I go to the art school here for dancing." Yoongi's eyes widened. „Wait, Seoul Art School? For real?", Jimin nodded. „How the hell have I never seen you there before then. I'm enrolled there for music production!" Jimin shrugged. „I don't know, maybe our faculties are far from each other? Also, I get escorted there for classes and back home, can't really do anything different on campus. You know, for security reasons." Yoongi rolled his eyes. „That's some lame shit. You need to go to my favorite coffeeshop at the campus with me! It's much better than this ugly shack." Jimin smiled. „Well thank god you haven't lost your humor through your change. Maybe we can check out that coffeeshop some time", Jimin said with a smile that turned his eyes into crescents. Oh Jimin, you still have as much power over me as you had two years ago, Yoongi thought.

Jimin walked slowly towards the apartment complex Jiyong and him lived in. He was dreading going home, not knowing what to expect there. Yoongi had a point, Jiyong could not seriously be mad at him. If there is anyone who has a reason to be mad it's me, right, Jimin asked himself. Even though he was trying very hard to convince himself that he had every right to behave the way he behaved, guilt started to wash over him. Jiyong always tried his hardest to be very fair and kind to all of the staff members and everyone else involved in his projects. Jimin understood that his behavior was very different from what Jiyong was trying to portray at work, but he just could not hold it in. Jiyong just should not have taken Jimin with him in the first place. It was his own fault after all, Jimin decided. What a long day it had been, he noticed while the elevator doors opened up to the floor of the apartment. The whole situation with Jiyong drained his energy and the reunion with Yoongi was also emotionally challenging. He was not in the mood to discuss the things that had happened today, he was hoping Jiyong was not there or would just drop the topic for the rest of the day. He unlocked the door with his fingerprint and stepped into the penthouse. He kicked his shoes off and made his way down the hallway towards the living room. The apartment was suspiciously quiet. He passed the archway into the living room and found Jiyong standing in front of the windows facing the skyline of Seoul. Jiyong had changed into his casual clothes, taken off all his makeup and put his hair back into its natural state. He looked like the most ordinary person, you would not even be able to tell that he easily filled arenas with thousands of screaming fans. This time the feeling of guilt hit Jimin like a truck. Jiyong was also just a person after all. „What are you looking out of the window all dramatic", Jimin finally said, after what felt like an eternity. Jiyong turned around to face the younger. Jimin could not really read the expression on his face. „Listen," Jimin started. „I am sorry about the scene I caused today. I know it wasn't pretty, but" „— Shut up", Jiyong interrupted. Jimin stopped, startled by the unexpected harsh words. „Stop", Jiyong said once more. „Don't you dare", the older added. Jimin was at a loss for words. Was Jiyong seriously mad at him? „Don't you dare apologize, when I am the asshole. I'm sorry for the things I said in front of everyone. You deserve much better than that." Jimin just shrugged in response. „It's okay. Let's not talk about it anymore for now." Jiyong pulled Jimin into a hug. „Sounds good to me", he whispered in Jimin's ear as they stood watching the sun setting over Seoul. Jimin did not notice Jiyong's expression darken as the older remembered the conversation he had with his management earlier.

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