Still a little Bitch

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Jimin stared at the ceiling. He was upset with himself. What was I thinking, he pondered. Not only is it inappropriate to approach someone after knowing them for a couple of hours, I also don't even know if he is into boys, he explained to himself. He turned around in his bed with a groan. The sun was peeking through the blinds. It was probably around noon, Jimin did not know. He did not have the courage yet to check his phone. Honestly, he knew he was being ridiculous. Yoongi did not have his number and even if, he probably would not text him since he wanted nothing to do with him. I am such an idiot, Jimin was fighting the tears. "Why would someone like him even be interested in me. And now, great, any chance I might have had is ruined", he screamed at the ceiling. Life has to go on right? Why am even being this dramatic, I barely know him, he thought. Determined that Yoongi was not even that great he swung his legs to the side to sit up in his bed and grabbed his phone.

Unread Messages (3), Missed Call (1)

1:42am Tae: Where the hell are you Chim???

3:18am Kookie: JuUusst in cse yu lok for uss, we lef

3:56am Missed Call: Tae

11:23am Tae: You little bitch, you better be alive I had a meltdown

Oh, I left without telling them, Jimin remembered. Not only did he mess things up with Yoongi, also his friends were upset. What a great start to my Saturday, he shook his head and left his bed to jump into the shower.

"So are you gonna tell us what happened... or do you just want to look like you killed someone last night for the rest of your days?", Taehyung glanced a Jimin. It was late afternoon now and the three friends were gathered at their usual meeting spot at the park. "Yeah, just fill us in Chim, I am concerned, we might be able to help, you know", Jungkook added. Jimin looked at him with a smirk. "Really? I think I should be more concerned about your alcohol consumption last night, your text said it all.""I don't really think you're the one to talk here", Taehyung interrupted. "Your drunk ass literally left without saying a word, we were worried sick. And so was Namjoon, in case you are wondering." Jimin blushed.

"Stop, oh my god, okay, okay. I give up." He stared at the ground. "The person I was looking for was... Yoongi. I literally lost it last night when I just saw him there casually sitting on the couch. We talked for a bit and then he said I should probably go home because I was too drunk or something. So I made him walk me home." Jungkook and Taehyung exchanged some shocked looks. "Wow, I, I am literally shook. Chim. I am impressed. You managed to make him walk you home? After he was such an ass?", Jungkook looked at him in confusion. "Okay, but that sounds good, so why the grim face?", Taehyung demanded. Jimin sighed. "I guess i pushed my luck a little too far. When we reached my house I leaned in for this stupid 'at the door situation' crap. He just jumped, looked at me in disgust, said some nasty things and left", he looked at his hands, tears building in his eyes again.

Taehyung seemed to noticed, scooted closer to him and put an arm around his shoulder. "What an ass, he didn't have to be mean about it", Taehyung just said, while Jungkook patted Jimin's knee. Jimin really was crushed about what had happened. Taehyung had a point. Yoongi could have just said no. Why did he react the way he did? Something was off. I need to find out what's up with that weird dude and maybe break his bones, Taehyung thought to himself. He exchanged looks with Jungkook, looking just as worried as he was. This one hit Jimin pretty hard they noticed, as they watched the tear stains on Jimin's jeans slowly dry.

A week passed. Sure Jimin was hurt, but life had to go on. Nothing eventful went down in the beginning of the week. Jimin was occupied with schoolwork and only thought of Yoongi in quiet moments. On Friday Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook sat down at Namjoon's table for lunch. The older had invited them a couple of times for lunch this week and it was a distraction Jimin appreciated. He took another bite of his salad, once again trying to lose weight, when the chair in front of him was moved by someone. He looked up. Jimin was pretty certain that the ground parted under his feet and he was straight up falling into hell.

Yoongi's eyes stared right into his as he sat down. "Hey Yoongi! Haven't seen you in a while. What are you doing here?", Namjoon had a surprised look on his face. "I go to school here after all, you know", Yoongi simply said, eyes still resting on Jimin. Jimin did not know what to do. He felt himself starting to sweat and blood rushing into his face. "So Jimin, what's up?", Yoongi simply said with a confronting undertone. He swallowed his food, still looking at the younger. Jimin was taken by surprise and chocked on a piece of lettuce. He blushed and looked away. Yoongi chuckled, pushing Jimin right off an emotional cliff. "Guess you're still a little bitch", he said while getting up, leaving his food and Jimin behind, the sentence he said still ringing in Jimin's ears.

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