Chapter 1 - When you wish upon a star...

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Sigh...  God, I'm so lonely.

I may not give up on life so easily, but it still hurts from having to go through the same motions over and over again: some cute girl talks to me, I talk to her, I develop an attraction for her, and at some point I try asking her out and she tells me that she's already with someone.  Lather, rinse, and repeat.

As I walk around for a bit to get some fresh air in the quiet night, I keep thinking to myself, What's wrong with me?  What is it that makes me so unappealing to the opposite sex?  Is it because that I'm a post-graduate that's stuck at a dead-end job until I finally get a more profitable job?  Or is it because that despite maintaining a well-mannered, healthier life style, I still have this slightly pudgy gut that sticks out like a sore thumb every time I look at myself in the mirror?  Or is it because I'm a struggling artist who's a huge nostalgic nerd when it comes to movies, video games, and cartoon shows, especially in the latest craze, "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic"?

...Yeah, I'm probably leaning more towards that last one.
I don't admit this to anyone, but I love that show!  I enjoy the well-developed characters, the brilliantly written stories, and the immeasurable amount of fan service it provides.  I myself have created some parody comics based off the show, which has earned some praise among the Brony community.  But other than enjoying some good fanart, I also like to read some good fanfiction too, especially the romantic ones.
What can I say?  I'm a sucker for romance!  I don't see it weird for two female ponies (anthromorphic, human, or otherwise) to have a romantic relationship.  I think it's beautiful (and sexy sometimes) for some of my favorite shipping pairs to go through these incredible journeys as they discover life lessons, hardships, and ultimately, love.  And I envy these fanmade fantasies because as I have realized long ago, life isn't always a fairy tale.  Still, it doesn't hurt to believe in them sometimes, right?

Anyway, I stop to take a moment to look up at that nightly, starry sky.  Wow.  You don't see that many stars on a clear night like this.  As I gaze upon them, I notice one star bigger than the rest and giving off some kind of golden radiance.  Wonder if that's some kind of a wishing star?  No, that's ridiculous.  I'm too old to believe in stuff like that.  And yet, I can't help but become so entrance by that glimmering beacon of hope.

With a quick turnaround to make sure no one was looking, I hold my hands together just as I would when I'm praying, look up to that shimmering star, and whisper:

"Please, let me have a chance to find true happiness for myself."

As if on cue, the star begins to glow brightly as if it just heard my wish.  In fact, it looks like it's getting bigger... and coming closer to me at an incredible rate.

... I think I should start running right now.

But before I finally decide to run, the shooting star engulfs me in a barrier of golden fire!  It felt hot, but strangely enough, it was soothing, and it wasn't burning me at all.  All of a sudden, I'm lifted off the ground and the mysterious flames intensify into a blinding, white light!  I panic and try to move, but my body is paralyzed as it begins to disappear from the blinding illumination!

Ugh... where am I?

I remember a bright light swallowing me whole, and now I'm on the ground just waking up very weakly.  My eyes begin to adjust themselves as I try to look around of my surroundings: a dark and somewhat creepy forest with lots of strange foliage I have never seen before.

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