Chapter 5 - First Flying Lessons

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"Umm... you might want to rephrase that from where you're standing." Rainbow Dash smirks.

I take a moment to look down below.  I wasn't standing on anything.  I was dangling in the air, staring down at the town of Ponyville, above hundreds of feet in the air.  I let out a big gulp as this sudden realization strikes me with quaking fear.

"GENTLY!" I rephrase to my only salvation at hand-- I mean hoof.  "PUT ME DOWN GENTLY!"

Finally, Rainbow Dash swoops down for a clear landing in an open field, which looks like it was part of a park.  After she gently places me onto the ground, I try to calm down my racing heart as my legs wouldn't stop trembling.

"Geez!  You're acting like as if you've never flew before." Rainbow Dash speculates.  "You must have hit your head pretty hard to be shaking like that."  I sit myself down before my legs collapse and begin to lower my head for what I am about to say to her.

"Sorry." I said in a mixture of fear and shame.  "I'm not entirely used to flying that much.  Mostly, it's because I'm... sort of... afraid of heights."

"Hey, it's okay, Ford." she reassures me in a gentle voice. "Everypony has something to be afraid of.  Well except for me of course 'cause I'm one of the bravest ponies out there."  I look up to her after hearing her boast of heroism, which made me smile a bit.  "My point..." she continues.  " that no matter what, I won't force you into something that you're not comfortable with.  But hopefully, when we complete your training, you might be able to appreciate the true joys of flying as much as I do."

"But... what if I fall from the sky?"  I ask nervously.

"That's easy!" Rainbow Dash answers cheerfully. "I'll just be there to catch you and we can start over again!  Trust me, you couldn't be in safer hooves than yours truly!"


"Pinkie Promise."  She lends a hoof towards me.

I give in some thoughts on Rainbow Dash's words.  Sure I am afraid to try some that can be as dangerous as flying, but at the same time, I couldn't be any more excited to do this since this is something I will never experience back on Earth.  Plus, Rainbow Dash is taking the time to teach me, so I can't let her down now.  With renewed determination, I grab her hoof as she pulls me up.

"Alright!  Let's do this!"  I said with excitement.

"That's the spirit!" she cheers.  "Now, the first we need to do is to take a look at your body!"  I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at her while bearing a mischievous grin.

"D-don't get any funny ideas, smart guy!" she reacts sharply with a rosy blush.  "I just want to do a thorough inspection to see what we need to work on before we can begin your training."

I present myself to Dash as I become just as cooperative as if I was going to see a doctor.  Dash examines nearly every part of my body (thank goodness it wasn't EVERY part of my body).  As she conducts her inspection, her hooves press around my muscular areas.  Probably to try to find any tensions and weakpoints.  Her touch ranges between firm and gentle.  This must be what's like to get one of those massages or something like that.  Great, now I'm the one who is blushing!  Hope Rainbow Dash doesn't notice it!  Lastly, she looks at my wings.  She expands each of them, and then she feels the winged limb and the feathers in-between each other.  When she ruffles through my feathers, I feel this unusual tingling sensation back there.  I guess it's true what fanfic writers say about them: Pegasus wings are very sensitive.

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