Epilogue - One Month Later...

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Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle,
I am happy to announce that on this afternoon, Rainbow Dash has finally become an official Wonderbolt!  And if you ask me, it's about time too!  You should have seen her, Twilight!  She was absolutely flawless!  The Wonderbolts who were judging her, including Spitfire & Soarin, just couldn't get enough of her after her demonstrated performance!  Anyway, I'm terribly sorry that you couldn't be there to see it yourself, but don't worry, we'll tell you all about it once Pinkie Pie sets up the party tomorrow afternoon in honor of Rainbow Dash's most commendable achievement.  Just don't tell her about it though; it's a surprise!

After her acceptance into the team, we went out for dinner to celebrate.  Over our meals, Rainbow's been pretty worried on how her schedule as a Wonderbolt might put some distance in our relationship.  I couldn't tell you how touched I was for her to be so considerate of me, so I reassured her to not worry about that as we can work this out eventually.  We only have two weeks to ourselves before Rainbow Dash begins her first day as a Wonderbolt, so we're definitely going to make the most of it!

As for me, I'm doing really well!  My new job as a weather pony is quite exhilarating and I'm progressing really fast thanks to Rainbow as my supervisor of course!  In fact, I've completed my schedules so fast and efficient, that I'm allow to take my leaves earlier than usual, which means more time to spend with my marefriend!  Even though she completes her routines much faster than I do, she still sticks around to wait for me or to help me out with what's left.  She's so sweet!  It's going to be kind of sad for me and the rest of the weather ponies to say ours goodbyes to her, but I know that they'll be just as proud of her as I am.

Now, I suppose as a princess you want to hear what I've learned from all that has happened to me since my arrival in Equestria.  Well, I guess what I've learned is that you don't need a Cutie Mark to prove anything to yourself or to others.  I used to think that it's essential to have one in order to not only fit in amongst the herd, but also to prove your worth in life with whatever talents you have.  But as time went on, I've learned to accept myself for who I am and for what I have, including my artistry, my good friends, and more importantly, my very own special somepony, Rainbow Dash, who was the first to accept and love me for who I am to this very day.  I've never been happier in all of my life, and I wouldn't trade that for anything else in this world or the next, not even for a Cutie Mark!

Well, that's all from me, Princess!  See you tomorrow afternoon for Rainbow Dash's surprise party!

Your Humble Friend,
Ford Mustang.
"Ford, where are you?!" I hear Rainbow Dash calling out to me upstairs.  "I'm almost done here!"

"Coming!"  I call back to her from the living room as I neatly roll up the letter.

Then, I wrap the scroll with an enchanted ribbon containing Twilight's name and address.  Since we don't have a specific baby dragon at our disposal, Twilight was kind enough to give us these magical ribbons and seals that can teleport our letters in an instant.  Once Twilight's letter is all set, I place the seal onto the ribbon to activate the enchantment's triggering mechanism.  Soon enough, the floating letter glows with a magical aura, and then, it vanishes in a puff of glittering smoke.

After the letter's disappearing act, I eagerly make my way through the hallway to enter the bedroom.  I pass by the enclosed bathroom along the way, where Rainbow Dash in still inside preparing her "special surprise."  Once I'm inside the bedroom, I enthusiastically sit at the foot of the bed as I could hardly contain my anticipation any further.

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