Chapter 12 - Feather Flu

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After making my departure from the house of Vinyl Scratch and Octavia this morning, I feel a drop of water trickling my muzzle.  Then, some more drops land on my mane and coat.  That's when I notice that it's starting to rain.  It isn't raining heavily thankfully, but it isn't drizzling either.  I look up to see what the sky is like.  It is nothing more than a light gray sheet of massed-up clouds covering the town of Ponyville.  I didn't even know it was supposed to rain today.

I high-tail out of there as I take flight towards Sweet Apple Acres.  Right now, I can fly comfortably right above the rooftops.  It's not so bad being this high up once you get use to it.  As I fly towards my only means of shelter, something starts to tickle my nose, and then...


That sneeze nearly made me lose my concentration for a bit.  As I sniffle my suddenly stuffy nose, I see a few feathers dancing in the wind.  Hey, those feather kind of look like--

"AH-CHOO!!"  Another sneeze happens, and more feathers start to fly around me.  What's going on?  Why am I starting to lose my attitude?

"AH-CHOO!!"  This one really knocks the wind right out of me as I tumble towards the ground.  I try to gain control of my flying, but my flapping wings aren't working.  As I make my descent, I look up to see where those floating feathers are coming from.  They were coming from... my wings.

Upon seeing the cause of my downfall, I crash onto the muddy, grassy floor.  As I weakly to try to get up, I start to feel really hot.  My head feels like it was on fire.  What is going on?  How could I be sick all of a sudden?   Is it because of the rain, the lack of sleep, the hangover, or all of the above?

Maybe... if I... take a nap... for a bit... it'll... go... away...

_______________________________________________(Author's note: just so you now some of the parts are a Daring Do Story to.)

"In the deep, dark, damp caverns off the coast of Triton Islands, Daring Do treads lightly with caution as she ventures forward to her next objective."

Wait... what is that?  I hear someone talking.  But who could it be, and where am I?

"Though she may be stranded due to the wreckage of her own ship, the famed archeologist is too determined on seeking out the lost treasure that dwells within these cavern walls."

I gradually open my eyes as I verify my surroundings.  I am in my bedroom right now.  Somehow, I was tucked into my own bed.  But how?  I fainted in Ponyville.  How did I end up in here?

"Soon enough, Daring Do arrives at her marked destination: the Lost Lagoon, an underground lake filled with various wreckages of ancient pirate ships.  Each undiscovered ship has a different surprise inside: one that could either contain a vast amount of fortune or a deadly trap waiting for its next victim."

There's that voice again!  Where's it coming from?  I look to my right and see somepony sitting next to me.  Sitting on a chair next to my bedside is Rainbow Dash reading a book.  And she seems to be quite occupied in whatever she is reading right now.

"But Daring Do already knows which ship she wants to explore first.  The mother of all pirate ships: the Majestic Unicorn!  A once magnificent ship that was commandeered by the most fearsome pirate in history: Captain Blackjack!  For decades, this legendary pirate has made countless pillages across the Equestrian seas.  And despite all of the efforts of Equestria's finest guards, nopony has ever caught him.  And nopony has ever seen him since his last great plunder."

I carefully look at the cover of the book Rainbow Dash was reading: "Daring Do and the Lost Lagoon."  Of course!  One of Rainbow's favorite pastimes.  I knew she enjoys read them, but I never thought she would like to read them out loud with such passion.  It's... quite cute actually.

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