Chapter 14 - What gos Around Comes Around

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With my saddlebag and my special package in the form of a micro-barrel strapped to my back, I hastily trot over to the Golden Oaks Library to see my sick friend, Rainbow Dash.  I'm certain that what I have in store for her would definitely cheer her up instantly.  It was now sunset as soon as I have arrived at the entrance to the library.

I quietly enter the establishment as I scope around the place.  From what Fluttershy has told me, the spare bedroom that Rainbow Dash is using is on the second floor.  I gingerly ascend the stairscase to hopefully find her.

"Fluttershy... is that you?" Rainbow Dash calls out in a sickly, hoarse voice.

"Wrong Pegasus, Rainbow." I reply with a chuckling smile as I make my appearance.  I set aside my small barrel away so Rainbow can't see it yet.

"Oh, so you've come back to finish what you have started, have you?" she smirks weakly at me.

"Sorry that you got the Feather Flu because of me." I respond remorsefully.

"Hey, don't worry about it, alright?  I was willing to take that risk when I looked after you last week."

"What happened to that 'impervious immune system' of yours?" I smirk a bit.

"Oh... well... it decided to take a holiday off, that's all.  But it will come back more impervious than ever!  You'll see!" she tries to maintain her usual smugness.

"AH-CHOO!!" she sneezes loudly as her loose feathers spread across the library.

"Just hopefully sooner than later." she sniffles a bit.  We chuckle a bit together before it starts to become quiet here.  Ironic, considering that we are in a library after all.

"So... how much?" Rainbow asks me with a deadpan face.

"How much what?" I puzzle at her expression.

"How much did Pinkie Pie buy this time?" she asks again with a raised eyebrow.

"Sigh... seventy-five mugs of cider."

"SEVENTY-FIVE MUGS?!" she shouts in great surprise.  "That's got to be a new record!  By now, they must have already sold out all of the cider earlier than last year!  Arggh!  This is so frustrating!  I can't believe I have to miss out on this year's opening day of Cider Season!  And thanks to you, I might never to get a chance to have some of that frosty goodness until next year!" she sulks significantly as she cross her fore legs together.  Oh, is Rainbow Dash in for a surprise, but it wouldn't hurt to tease her for a bit.

"Gee, that's too bad you feel that way." I pout exaggeratingly.  "And to think I came all this way to cheer you up with this."  And with that, I pull out my special surprise: a micro-barrel of some of our leftover cider from the 1st day of Cider Season.  Her wide eyes light up as she begins to figure out what's in that barrel.

"Is that...?"  She asks gingerly with an awestricken face.

"Eeyup!  Turns out we had a couple of barrels left over after we have dealt with our last customers.  It's the first time it has happened in Apple Family history.  So knowing for a fact on how much you enjoy this, I thought I would share some with you."  Rainbow smiles greatly when she hears me saying that, but she wasn't going to get any just yet.

"But seeing how you're sick in bed because of me..." I continue with a fake sad expression.  "...I guess you don't want my company now considering that this is my fault entirely."  Her face begins to droop with deep regret as I place the barrel on my back and slowly walk out of her bedroom.  "So, I'll just take this back with me and see if we can sell it by tomorrow--"

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