Chapter 13 - Opening day on Cider seasson

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  For nearly a week, I spent my sick days in bed while I was recovering from the Feather Flu.  As the Apple Family worked on the farm, Rainbow Dash would come by whenever she gets the chance to keep me company as well as help me on my recovery.  It was a usual routine: checking my temperature, preening my feathers, and reading me stories.  When I told her that I've never read the Daring Do series before, she was incredibly shocked to hear that from me, and she greatly insisted that I start reading the books myself.  Whenever I have some time alone, I would read the books myself to try to catch up with Rainbow Dash.  Of course, that was a nearly impossible feat at this point.  As much as I was starting to like this series myself, it just isn't the same without Rainbow reading it along with me, so I truly value her company whenever I get the chance.

After I have finally made a full recovery, I was just in time to help out the Apples getting ready for Cider Season.  As being the extra hoof around here, I pretty much switched between jobs: bucking apple trees with Applejack, assembling baskets with Apple Bloom, quality control with Granny Smith, and running on the apple presser treadmill with Big Mac.  All in all, it was a very productive day at Sweet Apple Acres.

Now, today is the opening day of Cider Season.  The Apple Family and I got up as early as possible to get everything ready for the big day, and there were already hundreds of campers in line just waiting in anticipation to taste that delicious cider, including Pinkie Pie, who is of course leading what I consider to be the biggest outdoor slumber party in history.

Once we are all set, Cider Season begins!  And Pinkie Pie starts it off with 75 mugs of cider fresh out of the first barrel!  How she's able to carry all of that without making a mess of herself, I may never know.

For the most part, I am helping out with Big Mac when it comes to carrying and assembling the heavy barrels to the cider dispenser.  Thanks to my wings and my hard working muscles, I can lift and carry some of the barrels that are stacked high up from nearly anypony's reach.

As I continue to work, I begin to think about Rainbow Dash, and knowing for a fact on how much she craves this stuff to a great extent!  Oh, I can't wait to see the look on her face when she finally shows up!  I sure hope that there's plenty of cider left before this day is over.
Several hours later, and I still don't see Rainbow Dash anywhere.  Where could she be?  Usually, she would get up as early as possible, even if it's at the crack of dawn.  And we just took care of all the late-night campers in line.  So where is she?  Truth be told, I start to worry.  This isn't like her to miss out on something like this!

Just then, I hear Applejack hollering out in tremendous joy.  "That's it, everypony!" she calls out to me and the rest of her family.  "The last customer for today!  This calls for a celebration!  YEE-HAW!"

The last customer?  How can it be the last one?  Did we already finish all of the cider for today?  I quickly look back at today's stock, and to my great surprise, there are only three barrels left.  I sigh in relief of this, but does that mean that Rainbow didn't show up today?

"Ford!  Get on over here!" Applejack hollers at me with a big smile.  "We got an announcement to make!"  I walk over to her where AJ, Apple Bloom, Big Mac, and Granny Smith all gather together around the cider dispenser.

"For the first time in Apple Family history..." Applejack begins her speech while dispensing the mugs with cider.  "...we actually have enough cider left over from our opening day of Cider Season!"  Big cheers fill the air, as I stand there speechless on hearing this startling news.

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