Chapter 25 - No Holding Back

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Author note: on everyone this is it, the moment where rainbow dash and Ford mustang are in love and confession time to. Love time people love pony time. Anyway enjoy.

  With renewed determination, I swiftly arrive at Rainbow Dash's cloudhouse.  It looks just the same as it was before when I first arrived here to pick her up for the Gala this evening.  Except when I see her house now despite how beautiful the night is, it feels... empty and gloomy.  Maybe it's just me considering all that has happened to me tonight.  I brush those negative feelings aside as I concentrate on what's important right now: Rainbow Dash.

After making my hasty landing, I approach her door and knock on it several times.  Strangely enough, my rapid knocks hardly makes a sound.  Of course!  Her door is made out of clouds.  It isn't dense enough to produce any kind of sound.  I'm just about to use the doorbell this time, but my equine ears pick up something from the upper floor.  I can hear soft sobbing from a dimly lit window above me, and I think I know from whom.

I ascend slowly into the air to follow the source of the grieving sound.  As I peek through the opened window, my heart breaks into two as I see what's before me.  I see Rainbow Dash, still in her Gala dress, crying brokenheartedly as she lies on her bed with her fore legs crossed over her face as she tries to muffle her constant weeping.  The only source of light in the grimly dimmed room is from a small, pink-shaded lamp sitting on a nightstand.  On the floor near the foot of her bed, I see the once-beautiful white rose I gave to her, now it's a complete mess with all of its plucked petals scattered across the cloudy floor.  I really despise myself for what I've done to her, and I know I have a lot to make up for putting her in this miserable state of hers.

After swallowing a difficult gulp in my throat and taking a deep breath, I muster my courage as I speak out to her softly, "Rainbow Dash..."  After perking her ears, she looks up and stares at me in surprise with tearful eyes.

"Can we talk for a minute?"  I ask her gently.  And the answer to my question is in the form of a firm smack in the face with one of Rainbow's flung pillows.

"Go away." she frowns at my return as she turns her back against me before plopping her head on her only pillow.

"Please, Rainbow..." I plead to her as I take a few steps toward her bed.  "...I really need to speak with you."  In response, she throws her remaining pillow at me as it hits me right on the muzzle.

"I said go away." she says angrily without even looking at me.  "I don't want to talk to you."

"Sorry, Rainbow..." I say with resolve as I stand my ground.  "...but I'm not going anywhere until I have a chance to speak out my mind."

Suddenly, she soars out of her bed and she hovers right into my face with a menacing stare from her infuriating, teary eyes.  "GET OUT RIGHT NOW, OR I SWEAR I'LL BUCK YOU OUT OF THIS HOUSE MYSELF!" she screeches at me with all of her fury directed towards me.

Her sorrowful rage shakes me to the bone, but it only makes me more immensely regretful for what I've done to her as I drop on all knees before her terrifying presence.  "Rainbow Dash, I'm sorry!"  I apologize greatly to her.  "I know I have made a terrible mistake by hurting you like that!  And I know that I can't take everything back I've said to you, but that wasn't my initial plan when I asked you out onto the balcony!  That's why I came here tonight, to tell you what I really should have said in the first place!  Please, just give me this one chance, and if you like, I... I promise I'll never have to show my face in front of you ever again!"

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