Chapter 7 - Newest Club Member

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The next day, I continue to help out the Apple Family once again with their daily chores. Overtime, I've notice how much my applebucking skills have improved a lot since the first day on the farm. Plus, working on the farm also serves as additional training for my equine physique.

"Applejack!" Apple Bloom excitedly gallops to her big sister. "Ah finish all of my chores today. Can ah go play with my friends now?"

"Ya sure can, Apple Bloom." Applejack approves.

"Also... can Ford play with us too?" Apple Bloom asks as she stands right next to me.

"Hmm..." Applejack ponders for a bit. "Sure, why not?" I was shocked to hear AJ's answer.

"Umm... Applejack." I say as I approach her while Apple Bloom stays where she is. "I don't think I can do that with all of the work I have to do around here."

"Nonsense." Applejack waves me off. "Big Mac and Ah gotcha covered."

"But Applejack..." I let out a small whine.

"Please, sugarcube." Applejack pleas very quietly so that Apple Bloom couldn't hear her. "It'll be a good idea if somepony keeps an eye on those three little fillies with all of them 'adventures' they get themselves into."

Hearing her telling me that, I can understand Applejack's concern on this matter from all the Cutie Mark Crusader episodes I've watched. I give a light nod to AJ and walk back to her little sister.

"Okay Apple Bloom. Lead the way." I say cheerfully.

"YAAAAAYYY!" Apple Bloom screeches in excitement. "Come on, Ford Mustang! Ya'll gonna love what we have in store for ya!" she says happily as she gallops ahead. I follow her behind with a bad feeling in my gut on what's in store for me.
Despite Apple Bloom getting a head start, I've manage to keep up with her. I've also taken this opportunity to work on my flying some more. Since Apple Bloom doesn't gallop as fast as an average pony, flying after her didn't become quite as tiresome since my flight speed isn't that fast.

At last, we arrive at Apple Bloom's clubhouse where I will meet the rest of her friends. It was good thing we've made it in time before my wings begin to strain themselves. But before we can enter the clubhouse, Apple Bloom stops me for a minute.

"Uh... before we enter, ya have to close your eyes for a bit." she says to me.

"Why?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"Because it's a surprise! Now close your eyes!" she replies with a gleeful smile.

After bearing a small smirk, I comply with her demands and shut my eyes tightly. Apple Bloom opens the door and pushes me inside the clubhouse. After hearing the door shut, I hear some whispering from the three fillies, but I couldn't figure out what they're saying.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now!" Apple Bloom says with delight. And from hearing that, I finally open my eyes.

"SURPRISE!!" the three fillies shout excitedly in unison.

I look around at what is in display. There are confetti and balloons scattered around the confined space, a small table that has some snacks and beverages, and a banner hanging right above the three girls.

The banner reads: "TO OUR NEWEST CUTIE MARK CRUSADER." "Newest Cutie Mark Crusader?" Who could that be--?

...Oh no. They can't possibly mean--!

"W-what's all of this?" I stammer, even though I know what their answer might be.

"Isn't it obvious?" Scootaloo asks.

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