Chapter 11 - The Hangover

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  The following morning, I wake up very groggily from the couch I was sleeping on.  I certainly didn't sleep so well last night for two reasons.  Number one, I'm still suffering the terrible effects of that bottle of vodka I had to drink last night before Vinyl Scratch could do anymore harm to herself.  And number two, I was too excited to sleep just yet after listening on some of that "sweet, SWEET music" the two mares were making upstairs.  I swear, all of those "harmonious notes" they were making up there could easily fill up an entire soundtrack.

While I am fortunate enough to know that I wasn't feeling nauseas anymore, the tradeoff for that is to deal with this massive headache that's just ready to split my skull open.  Even looking through the window where there is some daylight out there makes my headache worse.  I squint my eyes to avoid the harsh light as I struggle poorly to get out of bed.

"Good morning, Ford!" Octavia greets me in a cheerful tone.  "How did you sleep last night?"  My tiresome groan answers her question for me.

"Oh, sorry to hear that." she sympathizes.  "Here."  She brings a glass of orange juice and a couple of pills onto my slightly trembling hooves.  "These should help you."  Without hesitation, I put the pills in my mouth, take a sip of that delicious orange juice, and eagerly swallow those miraculous pills of salvation.

"Thanks, Octavia." I weakly smile to her.  As my eyes adjusted better, I get a better look at the welcoming Octavia, where her hair is still in good shape after she woke up first, and she's wearing an elegant bathrobe.

"I heard what happened last night with Vinyl." Octavia informs me as she sits right next to me while I scoot aside to make room for her.  "I can't believe you actually drank an entire bottle yourself!"  She chuckles lightly to herself.  "That's something that I would have expected Vinyl to do instead."

"What can I say?" I chuckle along.  "I did it all in the name of love."  We both share a brief giggle together.

"Well still... thank you..." Octavia warmly expresses her gratitude by kissing me on the cheek.  "...for everything."  Surprisingly, I didn't blush that time when I receive that kiss respectfully.

"You're welcome." I respond humbly.

Just then, we hear a dinging noise.  "Oh! Coffee's ready!"  She announces as she trots to the kitchen room.  "Would you care for a cup?"

"No thank you." I politely decline.  "I'll stick with my orange juice for now."  I get up from the couch and carefully follow Octavia to the kitchen while carrying my cup with me.

As I sit down at the kitchen table, Octavia begins to pour herself a cup of coffee.  After taking a satisfying sip of hers, she pours another cup of coffee, and she sets that aside on the table.  As I almost wonder what the second cup for is, right on cue, Vinyl Scratch enters the kitchen with a groggy expression similar to how I woke up, except she looks less sufferable than I did.

"Morning, Vinyl." I greet to her casually.

"Mmmm..." she moans tiresomely in response.  "Need... coffee."

"Right here, Vinyl." Octavia gestures her new marefriend to her cup of coffee.

"Thanks." Vinyl expresses groggily with gratitude before pecking Octavia on the cheek.  Using her magic, the bleary pony takes a big sip of her coffee.  After smacking her lips a couple of times, her ruby eyes light up instantly as her infamous grin makes its morning appearance.  Now she's wide awake.

"You know, Tavi..." she grins broadly to Octavia, who's preparing eggs for breakfast this morning.  "...I could use some sugar to go with that coffee."

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