Chapter 3 - The End of a Very Long Day

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My frantic outburst causes the party go completely silence as everypony turns their attention towards the source.  This gives me a chance to spot a clearing, and I dart to the bathroom upstairs.  I rush as fast as my newly transformed legs could allow to the vacant bathroom and shut the door behind me.

Once I closed the door, I was barely able to hear Pinkie Pie outside giggling, "Awwwww!  He must be so happy, he could hardly contain himself!"  From hearing that embarrassing comment, I actually begin to feel Nature calling.  And since I'm in the bathroom already, I might as well make good use of it.

After relieving myself (though it did take a while to figure out how I was supposed to position myself on the toilet with this new body of mine), I walk to the sink to wash my fore hooves.  After that, I instinctively splash some warm water on my face, though I wasn't sure how that was supposed to help out in my current situation.  From there, I just look into the mirror, staring at myself as I try to make sense on all of this.

"Okay, Ford."  I talk to myself as if it will help me get to calm down.  "Get it together now.  This is all probably just another dream.  Yeah, that's it.  You'll wake up eventually, and everything will go back to normal just like the way it was before."

After I calmed down a bit, I take a look down below to see my hind hooves while my fore hooves rest on the sink's counter.  I look back at the mirror, close my eyes tightly, clap my hind hooves three times, and whisper those five magical words over and over again.

"There's no place like home.  There's no place like home.  There's no place like home."

I open my eyes and saw nothing has changed what's so ever.  I'm still stuck as a Pegasus Pony with worthless wings and an empty flank for my missing Cutie Mark.

"I wonder if Rarity might have a pair of magical ruby slippers I can borrow." I muse to myself.

As I angst about my unknown fate, a soft knock on the door shakes me from my trance.

"Ford." Rainbow Dash says sweetly.  "Are you okay in there?"

I sigh and begin to speak up, "To be perfectly honest... NO!  I am not okay!  I have a pair of useless wings, which I don't even know how to use properly, I'm practically the only grown-up pony who doesn't have a Cutie Mark to showoff on what my calling in life is, I don't know how got here in the first place, or why I got here for that matter!  And to sum it all up, I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO I AM SUPPOSE TO BE ANYMORE!!"

I slump on the floor and curl myself into a ball as I try so desperately to fight off the tears that are leaking from my eyes.  "I just don't know anymore." I whimper softly.

I continue sob for awhile, not realizing that the door is swinging open.  Without even looking up, I feel the soft, warm embrace of Rainbow Dash as she wraps her strong, angelic wing around me.  I immediately return the gesture and hold her tightly while she rests her head on top of mine.  Her smooth coat and gentle feathers feel so nice and soothing as they gave me the sense of comfort I needed to vanquish away the sorrow that has been eating away my aching heart.  No words were needed for this tendered, caring moment we were having.

After a while, we slowly begin to break up the hug, and Rainbow asks me with a comforting smile, "Better?"

I wipe what's left of my tears and smile back at her.  "Much better.  Thank you."

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