Chapter 18 - A agift from the Heart

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A couple of days later, Applejack and I continue to our daily routine of applebucking in one of the orchards.  Big Mac couldn't help out with us because he is busy with attending the needs of poor, sweet Fluttershy, who as I have expected is still sick from the Feather Flu.  Despite how surprised AJ was when she first found out that Big Mac is dating Fluttershy, Applejack is never the less happy for her big brother and believes that he is the perfect stallion for her timid friend.

Despite Big Mac's absence, we received some surprising assistance from one of our friends, Rarity!  Yesterday, when she stopped by to pick up Sweetie Belle from Apple Bloom's clubhouse, Rarity learned about how Big Mac wasn't with us this week since he's been taking care of Fluttershy in the meantime.  Once she heard this, Rarity insisted to lean us a hoof for the next couple of days.  Applejack, of course, tries to humbly turn down Rarity's offer, but the seamstress won't have any of that as it would go against her Element of Generosity after all.

As of now, Rarity has been an excellent helper to us.  While she can't applebuck like me or Applejack, she makes it up with her masterful levitating magic.  Why, her magic is so good, she can pluck out every apple from a tree at once with such grace and ease.  Even Applejack admires how Rarity is just as efficient and hardworking in apple picking as she is in fashion designing.  Plus, she may not admit it, but I think Applejack is truly grateful for Rarity's company today.

As the day goes on, I was still thinking about what kind of gift I should get for Rainbow Dash on her birthday next month.  I want it be something unique.  Something she would very much appreciate it in case I have to leave at some point.  But I just can't think of a single good idea as of now.
Once we have gathered up enough apples for the day, all three of us begin to stock up our baskets onto the carts nearby the entrance of orchard.

"Thank ya kindly for all of yer help, Rarity!" Applejack says cheerfully to her Unicorn friend.  "We couldn't have wrapped this up so quickly without ya!"

"It's no trouble at all, Applejack!" Rarity humbles sweetly.  "Considering that Big Mac is taking good care of our dear, sweet Fluttershy at her cottage, it was the least I can do after all of the hard work you put through with Cider Season last week."

"You know, Rarity..." I join in their conversation.  "...I'm still quite surprise you were willing to help us out so eagerly.  Considering how you like to... umm... maintain your physical appearance that is."

Rarity harrumphs at my comment before she holds her head up with pride as she says with a smile, "Just because I like to maintain my cleanliness unlike someponies, doesn't mean that I am afraid to get a little dirty no matter what the task may be!"

"Uh-huh." Applejack deadpans sarcastically.  "By the way, ya got a lil' something on yer face right there."  Uh-oh.  Now Applejack has done it.

"GASP!  I DO?!"  Rarity panics dramatically as she fidgets uncontrollably.  "QUICK, SOMEPONY FETCH ME A WET CLOTH!  A TOWEL!  A RAG!  ANYTHING!"  I couldn't help but chuckle along with Applejack as we witness Rarity's melodramatics.

"I'm just kiddin', sugarcube!" Applejack teases.  "That beautiful coat of yers shines just as nicely as a polished apple!"

"Oh, you--!"  Rarity flusters with barely containable anger.  But then, her anger swiftly vanishes as her eyes went wide and a small blushing smile begins to emerge.  "Wait, did you say my coat is beautiful?"
My chuckling comes to a complete halt as I stare at Applejack for her response to Rarity's question.  The unresponsive farm pony is blushing just as red as her Cutie Mark.

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