Chapter 20 - Return of the MatchMaker: RariJack

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Moments ago when Rarity was escorting Applejack back to her home after Rainbow Dash's birthday party...

"Applejack, darling, you really should have taken your own advice to Rainbow Dash and learn to pace yourself!" Rarity firmly lectured her tipsy friend.

"Oh lighten up, sugarcube!" AJ responded with a goofy expression.  "Ah can handle myself just fine!"  Then, she clumsily stumbled on the dirt path and almost fell over if Rarity wasn't there to catch her. 

"Whoa nelly!" Applejack exclaimed surprisingly.  "Ah don't remember the ground being this hilly before!"

"Yes, I can see you're doing just fine." Rarity groaned sarcastically as she helped up Applejack maintained her balance before they continued their walk to Sweet Apple Acres.

After a very long trek under the starry night sky, they finally arrived at the front porch of Applejack's home.  "Well, here we are!" Rarity announced happily with a sigh of relief.

"Ee--HIC! Yup!" Applejack hiccupped.

"Ugh!  Please be sure to brush your teeth first before you go straight to bed." Rarity pleaded while covering her nose with a fore hoof.

"Hey, my breath doesn't stink that bad!" Applejack retorted.  Then, she let out a quick breath to her fore hoof before smelling it up close.

"Sniff sniff!  Ooh!  Well... maybe a little." she admitted sheepishly.

"Anyway... goodnight!" Rarity said to AJ before making her departure.  Applejack started to sober up a bit as she felt bad for Rarity after doing all of this for her.

"W-wait, Rarity!" Applejack immediately called out to her.

"Yes?" Rarity replied as she turned around.

"Umm... Ah wanna thank ya kindly for walkin' me over here and all." Applejack said humbly with a blushing smile.  "Ah oughta reward you with something special for tonight."

"Oh, there's no need for that, my dear." Rarity dismissed it modestly with a tender smile.  "After all, generosity is my middle--!"  But Rarity didn't finish her sentence as her lips were unexpectedly silenced by Applejack's.  Rarity tensed up from this unforeseen act of affection, but slowly, the tension starts to die down inside her.

Suddenly, Rarity hastily pulled away from Applejack as she tried to catch her breath.  Both of them were blushing as red as an apple as they stare at each other in awkward surprise.

"Umm... wow!  Well... that was indeed something... special!" Rarity stammered uncertainly.  "So... thank you, Applejack, for... uhh... that!  I'd love to stay and chat, but it's getting late as it is!  Sooooo... bye!"

And with that, Rarity made a hasty retreat back to her home while Applejack stood there speechlessly as she was too late to say anything to her departing friend.  Shame and regret started to build inside as Applejack sat on her hindquarters while staring at the ground.

Soon enough, tears began to pour out of her sorrowful green eyes as she sobbed to herself, "Oh sweet Celestia, what have Ah done?"
"And that's what happened, Ford." Applejack finishes her story with trying to hold back more of her tears.  "Ah kissed Rarity right on the lips, and she scurried off like a frightened lil' critter!"

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