Chapter 4 - A Day on the Farm

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Ugh... where's that cursed snooze button?  Wait.  When does my alarm clock sound like a screeching rooster?  I wake up from my slumber and get a good look at myself to verify my situation. Yep. Still on Equestria. Still a flightless Pegasus. Still without a Cutie Mark. Still the same, lonely, boring me. Sigh.

I have to say, despite my initial discomfort as a pony, the bed I was sleeping in is very comfy.  Quilted sheets secure my body so snuggly as my head rests on one of the two fluffy pillows.  The guestroom I was in is decorated with items and furniture you would find at a country store, except some of them are engraved with apple symbols.  As much as I want to stay in my incredibly comfy bed, I know that once I'm wide awake, I can't go back to sleep so easily.  As I get out of bed, my nose begins to pick up something delicious outside of my room.  I exit the room in hope to have that breakfast I've anticipated since last night.

As I make my descent from the staircase, the delicious smell gets stronger for each step I take.  It must be because of my equine transformation that I've gain some heightening senses.  My muzzle leads me to kitchen as I recognize the master chef behind the upcoming feast: an elderly green-colored mare who just pulled some freshly baked muffins out of the oven.  The happy-go-lucky, spunky matriarch has to be Granny Smith.

"Well howdy my little pony!" Granny Smith greets me with broad, warm smile.

"Good morning, Mrs..."  I stumble a bit because I'm not supposed to know her name without her introducing it herself. "Oh, I'm sorry.  I haven't got a chance to know your name yet." I finish my sentence sheepishly.

"Shoot, no need to apologize for that!  Name's Granny Smith!  And you must be that Ford Mustang fella Applejack was talkin' about this morning."

"Yes, ma'am!  Speaking of which, where is Applejack anyway?"

"Oh, she and her two siblings are out yonder workin' on their daily chores right now." She says as she continues her cooking.  "Why do you go outside and meet them while I get breakfast ready?"

"Okay."  I make my way outside of the kitchen using the backdoor.  "It's very nice to meet you, Mrs. Smith."

"Well ain't you just as sweet as a honeysuckle!  But there's no need to go the extra mile with all of 'em formalities and such.  Please, call me 'Granny' just like everypony else!"

"Umm... okay.  Goodbye, Granny!" I say to her as I exit the kitchen.
I didn't realize how ginormous the property of Sweet Apple Acres is.  Their apple orchards must have stretched even beyond the horizon.  I should have asked Granny Smith where exactly her grandchildren might be.  But before I can begin my trek through the labyrinth of apple trees, my ears begin to perk up as they pick up something.  It sounds like somepony is banging rhythmically on hard wooden surfaces.  Perhaps it's the three siblings applebucking some of their trees.  I happily gallop over to where I have pinpointed their location.  Thank you, equestrian ears!

At last, I find the three hard-working siblings, each of them doing their respective jobs.  Applejack is bucking one of the apple trees with her strong hind legs.  Apple Bloom assembles the baskets that will catch the falling apples as well as picks up any apples that didn't make it into the baskets.  And their big brother, Big Macintosh, loads up the abundant baskets onto a cart nearby.

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