Chapter 23 - At The Gala

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last, Rainbow Dash and I arrive at the grand opening of the Grand Galloping Gala, here in Canterlot!  Hundreds, if not thousands of ponies line up as they make their way inside the majestic castle.  As my beautiful companion and I follow the gathering crowd, we hear a jet-roaring sound as we look up to the sky.  Right above us, the fame Wonderbolts are soaring through the air performing some illuminative skywriting that says, "Welcome to the Grand Galloping Gala!"  After illustrating their greeting to the awestricken guests down below, several of the Wonderbolts rocket up into the air as each of them leave a flashy, glittering trail.  Afterwards, they unleash some spectacular fireworks that light up the sky.  Rainbow gasps breathlessly with a wide smile as we continue to marvel at her heroes' vivid performance.  Once the famed Pegasi leaves the scene, we continue our stroll to the Gala.  Surely, this is going to be a magical night for both of us!  I can only hope that I don't have to participate in some spontaneous musical number.  I like some of the songs from the show, but I can't do well enough to sing for my own life.

Once we are inside the castle, the first thing that catches my eye is the two regal princesses on top of the colossal staircase, Celestia and Luna.  I get really excited on meeting the princesses for myself.  In my current pony form, the two sisters are much taller than me, making their presence a bit intimidating, but still, I am very anxious to meet them.  It's not every day you get a chance to meet with not one, but two goddesses face-to-face.  Once Rainbow Dash and I make it at the top of the stairs, the two princesses smile warmly at our arrival at us as we bow courteously before them.

"Hello, Rainbow Dash.  So nice to see you again." Princess Celestia greets us in her usual, welcoming voice.  "And who is this handsome gentlecolt you have brought with you?" I blush a little at receiving such flattery from a godly princess.

"This is Ford Mustang, Princess Celestia." Rainbow gestures at me with a slight blush.  "He's a very good friend of mine."

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintances, your majesties." I say to them with a pleasant smile as I bow before them once more with a fore hoof crossed over my chest.  In return, they bow lightly for my chivalry.

"Oh, so this is the mysterious stallion we heard so much about."  Celestia says to me grinningly.  I cringe lightly as I fear that Celestia and her sister might somehow know of my human origins.

"Y-y-you know of me, princess?" I stammer nervously.

"Why, of course!" Princess Luna answers with an exciting smile.  "Princess Twilight has told us all about you!  We are most fascinated by what we have learned so far!"

Not wanting to discuss this any further, I try to divert our conversation into a different subject. 

"Speaking of which, where is Princess Twilight anyway?"

"She said she had to finish something up real quick." Luna replies sincerely.  "But don't worry, she'll be down here momentarily."

"Anyway, it's very nice to me you, Ford Mustang." Celestia welcomes us with a warm smile.  "And hopefully you and Rainbow Dash enjoy yourselves at the Gala this evening."  Rainbow and I bow one last time towards the princesses before we enter the main lobby of castle.
At the reception inside the main hallway, we look around to see hundreds of ponies gather together to socialize, eat, and drink.  Mostly, it's just appetizers and desserts they have to offer, but their abundant delicacies look quite fulfilling to serve as our main meals tonight.

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