Chapter 19 - Rainbow Dash's Birthday Party

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Today's the day.  The day in which I attend Rainbow Dash's birthday party this afternoon.  After all the hard work I put into this present, it's all or nothing from here.  Right now, in Ponyville, I'm walking with Applejack and Big Mac to Sugarcube Corner, where the party's being held at.  Each of us bearing our wrapped-up gifts saddled to our backs.  Applejack has her Zap Apple gift basket, Big Mac has what looks like a medium-sized box, and I have my portrait of our esteemed guest.  Along with our presents, we are also carrying jugs of the Apple Family's specially brewed hard cider, which are strapped to our sides.

As we get closer to the bakery, I begin to feel extremely nervous about all of this.  This morning, I was very excited for this day to come, but now, I'm starting to have doubts about my present.  I mean, what if Rainbow doesn't like it?  What if this doesn't meet her expectations?  What if... she doesn't like me anymore because of my gift?

"You know, I think there's a shop nearby selling some Wonderbolts merchandise over there." I say anxiously to the two siblings.  "Maybe we should stop by real quick and see what they have to offer!"

Applejack and Big Mac stop and turn their heads around to face me, each with a puzzling look on their faces.  "What in tarnation for?" AJ asks.

"Oh... you know..." I answer timidly as I twirl my fore hoof on the ground.  "In case I need a back-up gift or something."

"Now come on, sugarcube!" she says as shoves me from behind while I remain motionless like a rock.  "There's no need to be so nervous!"

"Nervous?!" I deny hysterically.  "Who's nervous?!  I'm not nervous at all!  Are you nervous?!  'Cause if you're nervous, that's perfectly--!"


Before finishing my hysteria, I get a quick smack to the face by Big Mac's firm hoof.  I am paralyzed by this startling gesture I have received.

"Big Mac!" his sister gasps in surprise at his unexpected course of action.

"What?" he responds with a slightly confused yet regretful look on his face.  "It usually works in the movies."  Strangely enough, it does work as most of my nerves start to diminish once I regain my senses.

"Thanks, Big Mac." I say to him while I rub my sore cheek.  "I guess I kind of needed that." Big Mac smiles softly at my recovery and just nods to me.

"Sorry about that..." I apologize to them.  "I'm just... so uncertain on how this is going to turn out when I show my gift to Rainbow Dash."

"Ah completely understand, sugarcube." Applejack approaches me before resting a gentle fore hoof on my back.  "But listen to me on this.  Ah may not know what you've just created for Rainbow Dash right there, but what Ah do know is that yer a very kind, dedicated, and hardworking pony.  So Ah know for a fact that you've put a lot of heart into this for her, and she's gonna appreciate that from ya!  You'll see!"  She gives me her always reassuring smile as Big Mac agrees in silence with a tilt of his head.

"I... I guess you're right." I start to cheer up a bit.

"Yer darn tootin' I am!" Applejack confirms with pride before we continue our walk towards Sugarcube Corner.  "Now let's get going already!  These jugs aren't gonna drink by themselves ya know!"
After what seems to be a long trek from Sweet Apple Acres, we finally arrive at Sugarcube Corner.  Applejack knocks on the door, and Rainbow Dash in a brief second opens it for us.

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