Chapter 16 - The Matchmaker Strikes Back: FlutterMac

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For the rest of Cider Season, I've been delivering letters back and forth between Fluttershy and Big Mac.  And I hate to admit this to myself, but... it's getting kind of annoying.  I mean, I'm glad I could help out, but this is starting to become time-consuming.  Every time I'm trying to do my job for Cider Season or to see Rainbow Dash at the library or anywhere in between, Big Mac or Fluttershy would ask me to help out with another letter, and then I have to send it to their special somepony afterwards.  I only wish that they could deliver the letters themselves, or better yet, would just skip the letters and actually speak to one and another for a change.  Well, the weekend is coming up soon.  Maybe I can finally convince them to go out together.

I start with Fluttershy first at the Golden Oaks Library while Rainbow Dash is taking her nap.  I'm certain she's eager enough to see Big Mac right about now.

"Oh no!" Fluttershy screeches hysterically.  "No no no no no no no no no no!"  Sigh...  Or maybe not.

"Come now, Fluttershy." I speak to her gently.  "Surely you don't want to hide behind your letters forever, do you?"

"Yes!  ...Maybe!  ...I don't know!" she replies uncertainly.

"But... you obviously like him, right?"

"Of course I do!  It's just that... umm... I'm not sure if I'm ready to see him yet." she replies timidly as usual.

"Well, the weekend is coming up.  Maybe this might be a good opportunity for you to ask Big Mac out for lunch or something."

"Ask... him... out?" she stammers slowly with wide eyes.  As she hesitates, her legs start to shake rapidly as her teal-colored eyes begin to become watery.  Then, she collapses onto the floor as she hugs my fore hooves closely.

"I'm sorry, Ford!" Fluttershy apologizes tearfully.  "I just can't do it!  I'm not ready to face him yet!  Please don't be upset with me!"  I really thought this would be a good idea for her, but I didn't think it would petrify her so greatly.  I start to feel really bad on pressuring her like that.

"Oh, it's okay, Fluttershy."  I coo to her as I pat her mane gently.  "I just want to help you out, that's all.  Okay, how about this.  If Big Mac asks you out instead, will you be okay to see him then?"

She looks up at me with her slightly tearful eyes before giving some thought towards my next suggestion.  I was afraid that she would reject my idea again, but then she wipes her remaining tears and says to me softly, "Y-Y-Yes... I think so."

"Good!" I smile in content.

"Oh, Ford?" Fluttershy asks meekly.


"You still don't mind on helping me with my letters, do you?"  She makes an adorable, sheepish smile as I could have sworn I heard that "Squee" sound somewhere in the room.

I giggle to myself at that notion as I answer with a smile, "Of course not, Fluttershy."

Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt to play mail pony for just a little bit longer.  Once I see Big Mac tomorrow morning, I'm certain he'll say "Eeyup" into asking Fluttershy out on a date.
"Nnnope." Big Mac answers to my surprise.

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