Chapter 9 - Symphony of the Night

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  The next day after the whole dragon incident, I volunteer to pick up the fillies from school in the afternoon so that they can begin working on their two-week long schedule of chores at Sweet Apple Acres.  As the day was coming to a close, I volunteer once more to escort Scootaloo & Sweetie Belle back to their homes.  After dropping off Scootaloo first at her house, I take Sweetie Belle to Rarity's Carousel Boutique.  Once I enter the establishment where the bell rings upon our arrival, Rarity approaches us with her usual greeting.

"Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where every garment is chic, unique, and magni--!  Oh, Sweetie Belle!  How are those chores coming along?"

"Ugh!  So... tired.  Must... rest." Sweetie Belle says tiresomely.

"Don't worry, Sweetie!" Rarity caresses her sister gently.  "Only thirteen days left until your obligations have been fulfilled."  Sweet Belle groans at this reminder.  Rarity and I chuckle softly at her sister's exaggeration.

"And Ford Mustang!" the seamstress turns her attention towards me gleefully.  "What a pleasant surprise!  What brings you here?"

"Oh, nothing much." I reply sincerely.  "Just escorting the girls back to their homes."

"Why, how very kind of you!" Rarity says to me.
"Sweetie!" she says sweetly to her little sister.  "Why don't you go upstairs and take a break?  I'll call you once dinner is ready."

"Finally!" Sweetie says in relief before trotting up to her room.

"Actually, I'm glad you came over!" Rarity turns her attention back towards me.  "You see, I've been working on some suits for an upcoming fashion line for the gentlecolts, but it will be most helpful if I can get a stallion to model for me for a bit."  She looks at me with fluttering eyes.

"I don't know, Rarity." I say with uncertainty.  "I've never model for anypony before."

"Oh please!" Rarity begs me as she kneels down while grasping my foreleg.  "I don't know that many stallions in Ponyville who would be willing to volunteer for me!  You are my last hope!  Ple-e-e-e-eassssse!"  She continues to beg melodramatically as I become uncomfortable by her distress.

"Well..." I finally give in.  "I can't really turn down a friend in need.  Sure, why not?"

"You will?" her expression changes instantly into beaming gratitude.  Then, she quickly rises up and squeezes me tightly.

"GASP!  Oh thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you!" she kisses me repeatedly for each "thank you" she has said.  Huh, I can only imagine the amount of sass Applejack would say if she sees this.

"I knew I could count on you, Ford!  Now come! There's so much work to do, and so little time!"  She grabs me and we zoom across the floor to the modeling room.
As a human, I've already been accustomed to dressing formally when I went to private school.  So I have no problem on wearing a suit.  But to try on nearly a dozen of suits for almost an hour, can have its toll on me.  Especially since most of them restrict my wings underneath.  Luckily, we were on the last one.  This suit is much more comfortable because there are elastic holes on the sides that allow my wings to finally breathe for once.

"Rarity, I don't mean to sound rude..." I begin to fidget.  "...but are we almost done here?"

"Almost!" she says with a steady needle in hoof (well actually, she's using levitating magic) as she works on the last adjustments for the suit.  "Just need to put on the finishing touches annnnnd done!  Ta-da!"

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