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A/N: Welcome To 'Trio of Trouble'
I just wanted to tell you who I've "cast" as Evan.

Youtuber Acacia Brinley Clark with blonde hair is going to be playing Evangeline Jacob! (Edit): I know Acacia is getting a lot of hate right now, but to be honest, I didn't even know until I had already written this.

"a sister is a person who's been where you've been; someone you can call when things aren't going right. a sister is more than just family, a sister is a friend forever."


Callie and Evangeline walked down the juvie halls, the baggie, blue uniforms on them and the other girls sitting loose. Callie was the younger sister by a year. Evan looked out for her the way she should.

"You gettin' out today. At least that's what we hear." One of the many girls who had a problem with the sisters spoke. "You two," She chuckled, her two friends clutching Callie and Evangeline hard. "Why are y'all so quiet today. Wasn't like that with the showers yesterday. Lisa, Sophie, and I lost our privileges 'cause of you." She got closer to their faces. She turned to look for officers, swinging a punch at Callie's cheek, making her fall on the floor. She turned to the other sister. "You're next, pretty girl." She swung at her hard. Evan fell next to her sister, the other girls beating us. She looked to her side, seeing Callie pass out, next it was her own vision going black.

Sometimes, when you pass out, you have dreams. The sisters did it enough in their life to know. Normally, Evan's "dreams" are more like nightmares; Callie, Jude, and her on the streets, starving to death. But today, she dreamt about getting back to Jude and getting adopted.

Callie and Evan had always said the system was broken. Because it was; no one knows what could be going on inside of privatized foster homes. The sisters wanted to fix it, but being victims of that same system would change nothing.

They got sent to the facility because their abusive foster father was hurting their little brother, Jude, so Callie smashed his car and Evangeline bashed his windows out, yet they still made Jude stay there and made the girls go to juvie.

The system is broken.


When Callie and Evangeline woke up, the officers told them to go out to the parking lot. The only visitor the two ever got was Jude, when he could sneak out. It was probably Bill sending them to another foster home. They used to have a different social worker, but he wanted to separate them and that was never going to happen.

They walked outside, somewhere they hadn't been in what seemed like forever. Callie had some bruises and a cut on her lip. Evangeline had bruises all around her, somehow still pretty, face and a cut across the bridge of her nose.

Turns out, Bill wasn't there. It was David. They were never too happy to see him. He was with a light skinned woman; mixed maybe. She looked like she had her life together. "Oh my..." She mumbled.

"Sometimes inmates get jealous and pick fights when others get out. Callie and Evangeline did not fight the other inmates." David explained.

"Hold on. I only agreed to one. You only told me about Callie." The woman sounded surprised. "One second. Just one." David ran up to us. "Callie. Hey, Callie." It was normally like this, everyone was told about Callie and not Evangeline. David only paid attention to Callie. Evan cleared her throat, getting him to notice she was there too. "And Evan! How could we forget Evan?" He chuckled. "Always a pleasure, David." Evangeline said, blankly.

"Where's Jude? Do you have any idea where he is?" Callie spoke up. "Unfortunately, no." David lowered his grin. "I... We," Callie looked at her sister and sadly smirked. "Need to speak to him."

"I don't understand why we can't talk to Jude." Evan stepped forward. David put his arm around Callie and walked her to the woman, knowing the blonde sister would follow on her own. "Callie, Evangeline. This is Lena. Lena. Callie and Evangeline." David gestured to each of them. "If you can't take them... I guess I could take them to one of the closest group homes."

Those words made them both so frustrated. Group homes were for foster kids from juvie. No one would adopt a kid they knew had been in juvie multiple times, let alone two. Callie and Evangeline grabbed hands and looked at Lena; to let her know that it was either both of them or none of them. "Well. It's just for a few weeks. Why not?" Lena smiled at the young, troubled girls. Evan squeezed Callie's hand. She did the same. They were always there. It wasn't gonna change now.

A/N: Sorry it's super short. I'm still working on it. Thanks for choosing my story and I hope you enjoy.

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