📝S I X✔️

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"we won't forget each other, right?"


After school, Callie and her sister met up by the beach and, to Evan's dismay, Callie was with Brandon. "Sorry. He won't leave me alone." Callie and Brandon walked up to Evan. Suddenly, Brandons phone went off. Callie looked at Brandon with hopeful eyes. "Someone's been calling me on this number all day." Callie snatched the phone out of his hand. "Woah. What's wrong?"

"I used your phone last night to make an important call." Callie looked at Evan and nodded, letting her know it was Jude. She answered the call. "Baby? Hey. It's me. What's going on?" Callie spoke into the phone. She paused. "What do you mean? Jude? Let me talk to Jude. Put him back on the phone!" Callie yelled.

"Wait. What's happening? Who was that why are they calling me?" Brandon asked, confused. "I called Jude when I borrowed your phone." Callie shoved his phone to his chest. "I'll explain later." She looked back at Brandon. "We gotta go." She grabbed Evan's hand and started walking fast. "So was that your boyfriend?" Brandon caught up to them.

"No." Callie chuckled a little.

"Who was it? Evangeline? Callie? How'd they have my number?" Brandon was frazzled. "It was our brother, okay?" Evangeline spoke up, and they all stopped, looking at each other. Callie sighed and started walking, Brandon still following the girls.

"Then let me call my mom. She'll help." Brandon unlocked his phone while they continued walking. "Stef?" Callie asked. "She's a cop." Brandon added. "We know cops!" Evangeline explained, her and Callie turning and standing in front of Brandon. "Listen, you're gonna get Callie and I sent back to juvie and Jude will be suck in that horrible home. Come on, Callie." She grabbed her sister's hand and they continued walking, hand in hand.

"Wait..." They heard Brandon behind them.

This better be good.



"So, you and Evangeline are getting along fast." Mariana said while walking home with her twin. "You like her, don't you?" Mariana smirked. "Well yeah. As a friend. We just met and Lexi already stresses me out enough. I don't need to like anyone like that at the moment." Jesus looked at the ground and smiled. Mariana thinks he likes every girl he sees.

"Listen," Marianas tone got sadder. "Are you sure you don't like her, in whatever way you do, because she reminds you of Emma?" The boy frowned. She did remind him of Emma. They didn't even look the same. They both just seem very closed off when you first meet. Evan seems very sporty and outspoken, like Emma.

"Jesus. We know nothing about this girl. We don't know where she's been or what she's done. I just wanna protect my brother." He put his arm around her as they walked. "Do you miss Emma?" He asked. This took Mariana by surprise. Jesus never talked about Emma after she passed, but everyone encouraged him to. Supposedly, to make him feel better, but it always ended up making him feel worse.

"A lot, but I have Hayley. What about you?" Mariana looked up at him. "All the time. You know how Evangeline said she went down to the beach during first period? She was with me. I told her everything."

"Jesus, Jesus" (I know that's kinda weird but it's Geesus Heysues😂❤) Mariana scolded. "Why? You don't even know her."

"I do now. She told me everything about her too." He said, hoping she could be there with him right now, instead of being shown around by Brandon with Callie. He was popular, but still didn't have many friends and he wanted someone to talk to other than his sister, even if it was just his foster sister.

"She could've lied."

"No. She told me things that you can't just lie about."

"Like..." They approached the house.

"Things I can't say." Jesus jogged up to the house, Mariana following.

"What things?" She yelled, entering the house with her brother.

"Hey, guys." Lena greeted. "Go get ready. Brandon has his piano thing tonight." The twins went upstairs. Jesus assumed Mariana was getting ready to go. He wasn't. He was planning on going in the clothes he had on.

"Brandon!" He heard Lena call from downstairs about 20 minutes later. Did she not know he wasn't here? Maybe he should tell her. Jesus ran down the stairs and leaned over the railing. "They aren't here." Lena looked at him confused. "Yeah. He didn't walk with us. I just thought he was showing them around."

"Wait. Them, like Callie and Evangeline, them?" Stef chimed in.

"Yeah. That's what he texted me." Jesus ran back upstairs and fixed his hair a bit. He reached in his pocket and pulled out the necklace Lexi threw at him. The boy sighed and threw it in the trash can next to the toilet, walking straight to the door, not turning back.

He was ready to start over and forget Lexi. He could never forget Emma, but maybe, just maybe, he could forget Lexi. And maybe, just maybe, Evan could help him. In some way.

A/N: I'm so sorry that this took so long. Thanks for not complaining. I'm so thankful for all the votes and collection additions

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