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As Christmas approached, and as my birthday was on December 1st, everyone at school had gotten more excited and childish, even Mariana.

"Ready for the last day of school?" She burst into the bathroom as I was dying my hair. I was tired of the same old blonde of the time. People at school thought I was basic, but I wasn't. So I was dying it lilac blue to embrace that, even though I'm finally in a good home, I'm still the same old rebel I've always been.

(She still looks like Acacia Brinley Clark, but just imagine that she has blue hair, like in the outfit attached.❤)

"Mariana!" I rushed to the door, closing her out and locking it. "You don't just barge in on people like that!"

"Sorry, but woah!" She said from outside the door.

"Shhh... Talya's supposed to pick me up so your mom's won't know. It's only temporary." I opened the door and she walked in, closing the door behind her.

"You're friends with Talya?" Mariana asked.

"Yeah. She's my best friend." I said as I pinned up part of my bangs after I finished the dye. "She's actually a decent human, despite what my sister says."

"Oh. Glad you're making friends." Mariana smiled slightly, out of tiredness, as it was six in the morning and I had accidentally woke her up while I was doing my hair. "I think I just heard a car door. Want me to go check?" I nodded in response and she ran downstairs.

When she came back, she had Talya with her. "Oh my gosh!" Talya squealed, hugging me. "You look amazing! Jesus will love it!" She winked.

"Shut up!" I laughed, nudging her. "I'm gonna go get dressed. Talya, you can use mine and Mari's makeup. Could you help my pick something out, Miss Thing?"

After about ten minutes of looking for a shirt to go with the denim overalls I picked out, Mariana finally found a short sleeved, black and white striped tee shirt.

"These shoes?" Mariana pulled out a pair of wedged heels.

"No, Miss Thing!" I whispered. "No way." I pulled my old, black converse out from under my bed.

"Ugh. Those old things?" She groaned.

"Yes. These old things." I slipped them on, tying them. "They're like a teddy bear I can't let go of; too many memories."

"Hey." Talya appeared in the doorway, trying not to wake Callie up, as they didn't get along at all. "Ready to go?"

"Almost." I grabbed my glasses and put them on. Most days, I wear contacts, but sometimes I wear my glasses. I slipped my Panic! at the Disco bracelet on over my scars, from Pearson, and put my choker necklace on my neck. "Ready!" I walked up to Talya. "See you later, Miss Thing. Tell your mom's that I'm studying."

Both Talya and I left, hopping in her car. It was almost as if no one would expect us to be friends. We're polar opposites, yet the best of friends.

"It's my day for the radio!" I smacked Talya's hand away from the radio, turning from the regular pop station, to the punk station. As soon as I turned the station on, I Write Sins Not Tragedies by Panic at The Disco ended.

"Dang it!" I yelled. "I loved that song!" Talya smiled at me, but kept her eyes on the road.

"Hello, listeners! This is Jenny Deavers from The Buzz, the only punk station in all of San Diego!" Jenny, the radio announcer spoke. "Now, can we talk about that Panic! Concert last night, here in San Diego? I mean, Brendon Urie was amazing out there!"

"No!" I whined. "I forgot there was a concert last night! I was gonna try to sneak in!" I turned the radio all the way down.

"Then we wouldn't see each other ever again." Talya had a good point. "Don't do that to me." She pulled up to the school.

Most of the drive, we just talked and listened to music.

"I don't see how anyone could dislike This Is Gospel or Emporers New Clothes! They are so good!"

"Eve, I love you, but I have zero idea what you're saying." Talya said, causing me to laugh as I stepped out of the car.

"Well. I'm gonna keep ranting any-"

She cut me off, laughing a little. "No, honey, please don't." She smiled, hugging me from the side as we walked.

We walked in silence for a second, until I broke it by saying, "Brendon Urie is kinda attractive."

"I'm done with you." She let go of me and pushed me into Jesus. "Here, Jesus. You take her. Love you, Evan." She smiled at me, walking away.

"Oh, holy sh-"

I covered his mouth before he could say anything. "I know, hair." I smiled, uncovering his mouth slowly, squinting as I expected him to say the word.

"You look great." He leaned down and hugged me. He wasn't much taller than me, but his ego was huge and I let him be confident around me, for his sake.

"Thank you. Temporary." I smiled. He kissed my cheek and closed his locker.

"So. You and Talya are friends?" He asked as we started walking to Tompson's room.

"Uh, yeah. She's my best friend, without a doubt in the world." I smiled because it's been so long that I've had friend that wasn't just my brother or sister.

Sorry that it's such a short chapter, I wrote it at, like, two in the morning, so sorry if it's not super good.❤

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