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a/n: I'm just gonna let you guys know that this story takes place from season 1 to season 5a. It won't go too in depth with Jesus' medical stuff because, at this rate, it may become too long and I might have to work on a sequel!



I woke up, seeing Brandon asleep next to me, and it suddenly occurred to me that maybe he missed Talya as much as me. She was, most likely, his first love. I was being so selfish, thinking that I was the only one effected by Talya's sabotage.

I got up and threw on the grey sweater I stole from Brandon and is now mine. I walked out of his room and saw Jesus standing in the corner.

"Christ! Jesus, you scared me." I crossed my arms and walked over to him, not really sure of what he thought about seeing me walk out of Brandon's room in his shirt.

"So you and Brandon now?" He asked, looking a little hurt. "I thought you liked me?"

"I do, Jesus!" I said quietly, trying to make sure our siblings couldn't hear us. "Just..." I thought for a second, coming up with the only place we could talk and know for sure that no one could hear us. "Meet me in the shed in five, okay?"



I sat sat the couch, waiting for Jesus to show up. I was going to tell him my plan. Callie and I were running away in a week. We didn't know where, but we were falling too hard for this family. We knew they weren't going to keep us and that something bad was eventually going to happen. Plus, we wanted Jude happy and his happiness has nothing to do with us.

He walked in and crossed his arms, sternly looking at me. I just wanted to get this over with.

"Callie and I are leaving next Sunday. I just thought you should know." I blurted out, almost as soon as he walked in, causing him to furrow his brows in shock.

"Umm, why?" He walked over and sat on the couch next to me.

"One, I like you and I can't shove my feelings away forever." I held up one finger.

"I get it, but we can get through it together." He put his hand on my knee. Surprised, I flinched and moved my knee away. I shook m head no.

"Two, we aren't gonna get our hopes up with this family. We're already way too attached to everyone. We know we're not gonna get adopted, we're too much trouble." I held up a second finger.

"That's so not true!" He exclaimed, raising his voice a little bit. I was surprised as to why he was so passionate about my problems. "My mom's really like you, Brandon and Mariana love you. Don't give up on us!"

"Jesus, we're explosive! Everything the Jacobs sisters touch explodes. Everyone, including you and Jude, would be happier without us."

"Please stop, Eve." He said quietly, throwing his hands up. "Stop seeing yourself as someone that nobody wants! We want you here. You saved Jude's life, my mom's are so much happier with you guys around, Brandon is such a better person with you as his best friend, I haven't been blaming myself for Emma's death, and Mariana loves having a sister like you. We need you."

At this point, my eyes were getting watery. I blinked and a single tear went down my face. Jesus noticed, wiping it away and pulling me to his chest, letting me cry on him.

Everything building up to this point was hurting me. Lately, I had been thinking about my dad. I remember Callie, Jude, and my "dad." I've been thinking about the differences between us three. I mean, I had blonde hair and neither our dad nor our mom was blonde. I have blue eyes and Callie, Jude, and our mom had brown. As upsetting that it would be, I think we have different dads.

After about twenty minutes of talking and Jesus convincing me, I walked back up the the girls' room and woke Callie up.

"Callie, come here." I grabbed her hand and yanked her out of the bed.

"Woah!" She yelped. "What a way to wake a girl up." She said as we stood in front of our door.

"I'm not leaving on Sunday. Jesus convinced me that they need us here, they need you." I said, fully prepared to give Jesus' speech.

"What do you mean? You were so set on leaving. What, did Jesus promise you could be together if you stayed?!" She raised her tone, still whispering. I could tell when Callie was mad and she was definitely very mad.

"No! Cal, everyone here likes me or cares for me. They care for us. Jude needs to grow up with his sisters, Mariana needs the sisters she's always wanted, Jesus needs some older people that aren't Brandon to make fun of, and Brandon needs his best friend and someone he can confide in. You see, they need us here!"

"I'm sorry, Evangeline. I'm leaving still. With or without you, I have to get out of this house. I'm leaving Wednesday night now." She refused to give in as easily as I did. I sighed, choosing to give up, before making it pretty clear that this was her spring break.

"So you wanna spend your spring break roaming the streets alone, begging strangers for food. Strangers that could treat you like Liam did?"

"Don't bring Liam into this!" She whisper-shouted.

"It's the truth!" I fired back.

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