📝F I V E✔️

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"if she confides in you and shares her story, she must picture you in her future. She's not the type of woman to open up about personal pain. Remember that."


"Can I just ask you a question?" Evan asked. Jesus took his head off of her shoulder. He nodded and looked at her.

"Why did Lexi say you cheated on her with everyone? Did you?" She looked at his eyes for the first time. The brownish hazel color was so perfect. She knew she couldn't be with him. But he was just so perfect.

"No. This girl, her name was Emma, I fell in love with her. Lexi was out of town. We got together. I didn't cheat. I sent her an e-mail saying how I couldn't do long distance. Somehow she didn't get the e-mail and came back, thinking we were still together when I was really with Emma. She got mad and Emma..." He stopped.

(I know the next part doesn't actually happen. I'm just changing Jesus' romantic storyline for the story.❤)

"She- she got in a crash. We were together for a year. I tried-" He started crying more, but remained quiet. "I tried to save her. I couldn't. She was gone before she was really gone."

"Shhh... It's okay." She hugged him tightly, knowing he needed it. She needed it too. He hugged back, tighter.

"No. It's not. It's not okay." They kept in the same position. "I was driving. Mariana told me I shouldn't have. She says I suck at driving. I went over the speed limit and I just feel like It... It was my fault. I should've listened to Mariana." He spoke quicker, tightening his grip in the hug.

"You still wanna hear my story?" She tried to brighten the mood and change the subject. "Sure." He let go and wiped his tears, smiling lightly.

"Well... I was born about a year before Callie and five years before our brother, Jude. Our mom died in a car accident with our drunk father when I was 10, Callie was 9, and Jude was 5. The cops put us into the foster system. You know how that is. We were in many terrible foster homes. We were put in a good one. Callie was 14, I was 15, Jude was 10. Two years ago. We had a brother, Liam. Don't tell Callie I told you, but he- he raped her. Callie told me. I told the cops and we were outta there in no time. Jude still blames us. We got more homes. Our last home together was terrible." She sighed. It was never this easy for her to open up to people. She liked how she could be emotional in front of her new friend without judgement. "His name was Pearson Gabriel. He abused us. One day, he caught Jude wearing one of his ex wife's dresses and beat him so bad. Jude yelled for Callie and I. I distracted him and Callie beat in his Trans Am. He told the police that we went crazy. So there we were in juvie and here we are."

"Wow." He said, speechless. "I'm sorry."

"Yeah. Me too." After that, the two sat in comfortable silence until the lunch bell rang. "Wanna go eat?" He asked. "Who would turn food down?" She grabbed her bag and Jesus stood up, reaching a hand out to her. She took his hand and he pulled her up. When the duo got up to the eating area, they looked around. There were no empty tables. They noticed Mariana waving for Callie to sit with her. "Wanna go sit with our sisters?" Jesus laughed.

"Sure." They continued walking toward Callie and Mariana. "Hey guys." Evan said as they sat down. "Hey. How were your first few classes?" Callie smiled and winked at her sister. "Fine. We just- he showed me around." Evangeline looked down and blushed.

"So anyways..." Mariana brushed off the topic. "Our moms really like you guys. Don't do anything stupid to take that away. When they take you to the doctor, be super thankful."

"Got it." Evan said and Callie nodded.

"So... Is your hair naturally blonde? I mean, I won't tell anyone. It's just totes adorable." Mariana leaned in. "Uh. Yeah. It's real." She said, awkwardly fidgeting with a strand of her hair.

"Meet my sister, Mariana." Jesus nudged Evangeline. "The schools gossip magazine. She knows everything about everyone. And tells everything about everyone." Mariana looked at Jesus with narrow eyes. "Do not!" She looked at Callie, then back at Evan again. "I just... Like to keep people updated."

Jesus chuckled. "Okay, sure." Mariana rolled her eyes. "Anyways. My mom's told me you had Timothy first period. I do too and you weren't there. Where were you? I won't tell them if you don't." She spoke about Evan catching her taking Jesus' pills.

"I just skipped class. Just for one day." She smiled. "I needed some alone time by the beach. Jesus found me down there after his class and brought me here."

"Oh. Okay." Mariana was quiet for a second. "Alright. You guys are so cute. Take a picture." Mariana got out her phone and pointed it at Jesus and Evangeline. Jesus got up and held his hand out. "What? She's gonna post it, so might as well make it look good." He shrugged and helped her stand up. "Get on my back." Evan got on his back and posed for the picture. "I need approval to post pictures of other people that aren't my siblings on school grounds. Yes or no?" Mariana showed them the picture.

Evan hadn't seen herself so happy before

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Evan hadn't seen herself so happy before. They looked so genuinely happy and carefree. She loved that Jesus was the only person she has ever met who makes her feel like that other than Jude or Callie. "So can I post?" Mariana asked, looking down at her phone.


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