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"Hey guys." I smiled, walking into our room.

"Hey. Why are you so happy today?" Callie asked me. "I don't even think Jesus is up yet. What could possibly make you so happy?"

"I have other friends, you know?" I slapped her on her arm, plopping next to her on Mariana's bed.

"Oh yeah? Like who?" Callie chuckled, jokingly.

"Brandon. I just sang a song while he played keyboard. It was so much fun!" I smiled. "Where's Mari?"

"Bathroom." Callie said. "Have you talked to Jude?"

"No. Lemme go check on him." I got up and walked to the door.

"If Jesus is asleep, don't stare at him!" She threw a pillow at me.

"I'll stare at him even if he is awake!" I joked, closing the door behind me and walking down the hall to Jude and Jesus' room.

I opened the door, revealing Jesus and Jude just sitting on his bed, talking.

"Oh hey, Evan." Jesus waved.

"Hello, Jesus." I smiled. "What's up?"

"Just, ya kn-" Jesus was cut off by Jude.

"We were just talking about our old foster homes. Jesus has some great skateboarding stories!" Jude rambled on. It turns out, Jesus and I just looked at each other and laughed at Jude.

"Hey, Judicorn?" I spoke once Jude finished. "Callie and Mariana wanted to talk to you."

"Okay." He jumped out of the bed and looked back and pointing at Jesus, narrowing his eyes. "Don't touch my sister!" And with that, Jude left, closing the door behind him.

"So, you guys are getting along fast." I chuckled, sitting next to Jesus on his bed.

"Um, yeah. He's a great kid." He smiled. "I heard you and Brandon when I was taking out the trash earlier this morning. You have a seriously good voice."

I chuckled a little. "No. I'm serious. You're so beautiful and talented. You're a great girl." He said, causing me to blush.

"Don't be a flirt!" I laughed, hitting his shoulder with the back of my hand. "But thanks for the compliment."

"So... I know it's kinda frowned upon, but do you wanna... Ya know?" He asked.

"Go out?" I raised my eyebrows. "Jesus. I really, really like you. Like, a lot. But we can't. I'm trying to earn your moms' trust. I don't want you to think it's never gonna happen. It will probably happen. Just not now." I gave him a short, but sweet kiss on the cheek, then got up and left the room, heading to our room, smiling hugely.

"Oh my gosh. Why are you so happy?" Callie asked. "I mean, I'm not complaining. I love seeing you happy, but you look so goofy." She giggled at me.

"You do look pretty goofy!" Mariana smiled. "You always look pretty though."

"Awe! Thanks, Miss Thing!" I hugged her and straighted up my blanket bed.

trio of trouble! • jesus foster [discont.]Where stories live. Discover now