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"I love nicknames. It makes me feel loved. It makes me feel less alone in this world."


Evan and Callie waited until Lexi left to go upstairs. Jude came down while Lexi was still there. "Hey. could I do my homework down here? Jesus keeps having to tell at Lexi to get out of our room." He smiled. "Of course, Judicorn." Evan said. Even though Evan was the oldest, sometimes Callie highly doubted it.

After a few minutes, Jude asked his sisters for help with his homework. "No. Come on, Jude. You know that!" Evan refused to let him know the answer. "You take the x and divide it by 3 and you get the y." He just sat there, trying to think of the answer. "Four, Jude! It's four!" Callie laughed. "C'mon. You should've known that."

"No. You should've know that!" Jude giggled. "I did!" The sisters grabbed Jude and tickled him, making him giggle. "How long are we gonna be here?" Jude suddenly stopped laughing. "I dunno, kid." Callie messed up his hair. "Finish your homework."

"Okay." He got back down on the floor and continued doing his math homework. About ten minutes later, Lexi came downstairs and threw her purse over her shoulder. Evan got up and held the door open for her. "I would suggest you stay away from Jesus, romantically. Only for the best." Lexi said to Evan as she approached the door. "Girl, please. He's my foster brother. But, if I did wanna get involved with him, I could. It isn't any of your business." Evan responded. "I'm just saying that dating him isn't a good idea. He breaks hearts. If you wanna get irritated with me, then come at me!" Lexi yelled back.

"Get out." Jesus said, approaching​ them from the bottom of the stairs. "Seriously, Lexi, get out of here!" Callie defended Evan and Jesus. Lexi groaned and slammed the door behind her.

The only thought on Callie's mind was that Lexi better leave her sister alone, because now Evan's got Jesus fighting for her too. Evan turned around and hugged Jesus tightly. Honestly, at this point, Callie didn't care what they thought about each other. It was clear to her that they were both happy. Callie heard her sister sniffle. She never cried. Why would she now? "What's going on?" Stef and Lena walked in, making Jesus and Evan stop hugging. Evan wiped her tears. "Sorry. Mrs. Adams Fosters'." She flatted out her new pajama shirt. "It's nothing."

"Clearly it's something, Evan." Stef said, sounding concerned. "Meet us in our room. Jesus go up to bed. You two," She looked and Callie and Jude and smiled. "Have a great first night. Get some rest." Her and Lena walked up the stairs, hand in hand.


"See ya tomorrow." Jesus walked up the stairs. "Tell me later?" He stopped and turned around. "Sure thing." She smiled. Callie gave her a hesitant look before going upstairs. "Don't worry. I'll tell you too." Evan hugged her and then followed her and Jude up the stairs, but split at the girls bedroom and the moms' room. Evan knocked on Stef and Lena's door. "Come in, Evan." She heard Stef say from inside the room. EVangeline opened the door and saw her and Lena, both sitting criss cross on the bed.

"How'd you know it was me?" Evan crossed her arms and stood in front of the door. "Our children don't knock. They're pigs." Stef stated, causing them all to laugh a little. "Come sit, sweetheart." Stef patted the end of the bed. The girl walked over to their bed and sat at the end of it. "What happened down there with you, Lexi, and Jesus?" Lena asked, concerned. "Oh that?" She faked a smile. "That was nothing."

"Evangeline..." Stef scolded, which, in the time she'd been living here, Evan found out that she's really good at. "Okay. Jesus told me about Lexi and she-" Lena cut me off. "Woah. What happened between them? We thought they were still together."

"Um..." Evangeline didn't wanna rat Jesus out, but they weren't gonna let her leave without telling them. "He sent an email to Lexi saying they needed to break up while she was in Honduras and he got with Emma. Lexi didn't get the message and came back from Honduras, thinking they were together. She found out and thought he was cheating. They broke up, Emma... happened, and Lexi hates me because she thinks we're dating. I'm used to people hating me, just not people like her." Lena's eyes were wider. "Did he tell you why he didn't tell us?" She shook her head.

"Okay. What happened at the door, though?" Stef asked. "Nothing super bad, I need to start taking my meds again. Mood swings and stuff." Evangeline smiled. "Lexi just told me to stay away from Jesus and threatened to fight me."

"Um.. okay, Evangeline." Stef pursed her lips. "Go on to bed. Have a good night." Evan walked to the door and stopped before closing it. "Thank you guys for taking all three of us in. People don't normally do that."

"Of course, Eve." Stef said, then shook her head. "I'm sorry. Was that awkward?"

"No. I like it." The teenage girl smiled, then left, closing the door behind she. She knew it had only been a week, but she really wanted this to be their home for a while, even if it's not forever. She knew it wouldn't be, but a girl can dream. She walked back to Mariana's room and closed the door behind her when she walked in. "Why are you so smiley?" Mariana smirked. "Yeah. Did you talk to Jesus again?" Callie chuckled. "What? No." She furrowed her brows. "Your moms just gave me a new nickname." Evan plopped down on her 'bed' on the floor. "We all have one. Brandon is B, I'm Miss Thing, Jude is Judicorn, I'm still working on Callie." Mariana explained. "What's yours?"


(A/N: I'm sorry this chapter is crap. I'll try a lot harder. School has just been stressing me out. Thanks for all the reads and support.)

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