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Callie is leaving tonight and hasn't talked to me since our fight in the hallway. I would be lying if I said I wasn't effected by it. I lost two of my best friends in the span of two weeks. I miss talking to her.

Brandon and I had been sitting in the "studio," trying to work on songs. My specialty was love songs, as was his, so you would think that it would be a breeze writing together, but you would be mistaken.

"It's been and hour and we haven't come up with a topic." Brandon rubbed his head. Something was on his mind, other than this non-existent song.

"Idea!" I yelled, holding up a finger. Brandon jumped a little, causing me to laugh. "How about our friendship?" I smiled at him. He smiled back at me and we both started laughing about the topic of writing a best friend song together.

"I got it!" He exclaimed, grabbing his pen and notepad, getting ready to take notes. "Think of a guy that you like. Like, 'like like.'"


"Have him in mind?" Brandon asked, after I fake thought for a while. Of course, he came into my mind super fast. I nodded. "How does he make you feel?"

Extremely Happy.

"Confused?" I said, making it sound like more of a question. That was also true. He made me so confused. Brandon wrote something down, then chewed on the end of his pen, thinking of another question.

"Does he know your birthday? Your favorite color? How you like your coffee?" He continued writing a huge list of questions that I don't think Jesus knows the answers to. "If he doesn't know these, he doesn't deserve you in his life." He ripped the page out, handed it to me, then left. Just like that, our writing session was over.

Soon after, I walked inside and heard Callie and Brandon talking about Jesus and Mariana.

"They're going to visit their birth mom. She lives in a dodgy part of town, but Mariana wouldn't budge. Jesus wouldn't let her go without him." Callie filled Brandon in on what he missed.

Hiding my shock, I walked into the room, acting like nothing happened. I walked to my bed and laid down on it, not saying a word to either of them.

"Yeah, I'll give you two some space." Brandon stated, getting off of Callie's bed and walking out the door, ignoring Callie reaching her arm out for him to stay.

"I'm not sorry for what I said." I stared up at the ceiling. The section of the ceiling above my bed had pictures of me and everyone in the house. It helps me sleep knowing that I have a family, even if it's just for a little bit. "I just want to talk to you. I need advice."

"You're the older one. Shouldn't you be giving me the advice." She giggled, joining me in admiring the pictures. I moved over and she laid down on her back next to me.

I shrugged. "It's about a boy. You know I have very little experience in that category."

"Is it Jesus?" Callie turned her head to look and me and wiggled her eyebrows. I laughed and we both looked back up at the ceiling.


"Okay, what about him?"

"I wanna be with him. When we get out, I want him to be my boyfriend, officially. No 'we are just going on dates, but not using labels' crap. I want something real. I what it with him."

"Okay and why do you need me?"

"Brandon gave me a huge list of things anyone I let be a big part of my life should know." I pulled the list out of my pocket and unfolded it. Callie snatched it out of my hand and started reading it a little.

"First, why is this important? And second, I don't even know most of these." She handed me back the list. "I'll tell you what, you spend a whole month doing one thing a day with Jesus and just Jesus, even if it's just talking for an hour, he should know enough of these to be your Knight in shining armor."

"Very funny, Cal. You have a deal. So how are things with that Wyatt guy?" I nudged her with my shoulder. She blushed.

"I don't even know. He called our movie a date and kissed me, now he's mad at me because I yelled at him for hitting Liam when he showed up at the school."

"I would have too!"

"You're my sister, that's different."

"How, Callie?" She didn't say a word. "That's what I thought. Let yourself get protected. He wants to keep you safe, we all do."

"Okay, but he called me screwed up."

"You are, but so am I and I love you because of that. I can talk to you about everything because you're just as screwed up as me. Maybe even more. I mean, I have a crush on my best friends brother who could also be considered my brother."

"Well, when you say it like that, it sound weird." We both laughed. "I talked to Talya today. She had a video go up of her drunk, doing stupid things. Garner put it up on the big screen, Brandon turned it off and I talked to Talya. She misses you. She said loosing Brandon was hard, but loosing you is killing her."

"It's killing me too, but she did a bad thing to you. She needs to learn. It's so hard on me not having anyone who isn't my sibling to be my friend. I love Talya to death, but nobody treats you like that."

"I don't control you, but I forgive her and I give you permission, if you really want to, to be friends with her again. I can tell you're hurting."

"No. You, Brandon, and Jesus are the only best friends I need."

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