📝E I G H T✔️

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When we got in the house, Lena talked to Jude about the school situation and that he would start on Monday. He was happy about it. Jude loved school. It's kind of weird saying that about a kid his age, but it's true. He liked seeing and meeting new people. After she talked to Jude, she told the the three Jacobs' siblings to go upstairs while Brandon, Mariana, and Jesus stayed downstairs.

"Come on, Judicorn." Evangeline put her arm over her brother's shoulder and started walking. "There they go; the trio of trouble." She heard Jesus say behind them. "Anyone who gets in their way will face the punishments." Everyone laughed as they continued walking.

Callie went into Marianas room, where the girls were gonna stay, while Evan took Jude to Jesus' room, where he was gonna stay. "This is your room." She said, opening the door, revealing a room filled with one bed and skateboarding posters and boards.

"Looks like he also likes skating." Jude smirked, putting his stuff on the floor next to Jesus' bed. "Drop it. And I roller skate. Thank you." She scowled, jokingly. "Lena should be up soon to help you make a small bed on the floor."

"Okay. Goodnight, Evangeline. I love you. Tell Callie I said goodnight and I love her."

"Will do, Judicorn. We love you too." She closed the door and turned around to see Jesus standing there. "He seems like a good kid. It's sad he had to live life that way." He crossed his arms. "Yeah. It always is." Evangeline walked to Mariana's room. "Goodnight, Jesus."

"Goodnight, Evan." There's that name again.

Evangeline went into Mariana's room and closed the door, seeing Callie and Mariana already in there, sitting on Mariana's bed.

"Hey. Which one's mine?" Evangeline pointed to the two beds made out of blankets on the floor. "Whichever." Mariana smiled. She laid in one and Callie got in the other. "Goodnight." Mariana turned her bedside lamp off.


"Callie. Evan. I don't know what I need to wear." Jude woke the two girls up. "Just wear that. We can go shopping after my doctor's appointment, okay, Judicorn?" Jude's blonde sister ruffled his hair. After that, he left, leaving how sisters in the room, alone.

"How are we gonna afford clothes for him, let alone all three of us?" Callie asked. "I'll have to ask Lena or something. We'll figure it out." She threw her long, ratted hair up in a ponytail and walked down to the kitchen with Callie.

"Hey, Mariana?" Evan asked, sitting in the stool next to her. "Do you have any clothes we can borrow?"

"Totally, girl. I'll go get two outfits." She got up and ran up the stairs, Jesus coming down them. He had his skateboard in his hand. "So. You ride?" I asked Jesus. "Uh, yeah. Why, do you?" He sat in Mariana's seat.

"Evangeline is the best skater I've ever met." Callie butted in. "Roller skater. And I'm not that good." Evangeline corrected her sister. "That's different. Emma was the only girl I've ever met that skated. Skateboarded, that is."

"Well, that was sexist." Mariana appeared, holding two outfits. "Here you go." She handed Callie an outfit. "And here you go." She handed the other girl one. "They're my old clothes, but they're the cutest ones I could find."

Evan went upstairs and got changed, while Callie changed in the downstairs bathroom. She looked in the mirror and laughed. Oh, Mariana. The outfit was a pink crop top with a dog wearing sunglasses on it and a pair of high rise skinny jeans. She also added in some black wedges that Evan hoped Mariana would forget about, and she did.

Evangeline walked down the stairs and Mariana gasped. "Omg! I love it!"

"This isn't really me, Mariana."

"Please just wear it today. Momma?" Mariana looked over at Lena. "Can I take them to get clothes after school.

"Evangeline has a doctor's appointment, but after that you have dance." Lena grabbed a cup of coffee. "But that's with the same old people. I wanna get to know my foster sisters." Mariana begged.

"So I'm not cool enough?" Jude asked at the bottom of stairs. "Of course you are. Momma. Please? I wanna get to know my foster sisters and brother." Mariana continued begging. "You don't have a permit." Lena stated. "But I do." Evan raised her hand a little. "Evangeline does." Mariana said. "Wait. You do?" She turned to her new blonde sister. "Yeah. Our old foster father made me get it so I could drive us to school." She said. "She can drive the mini. I don't need it. Talya is taking me to piano." Brandon tossed Evangeline his keys.

"So all I need is your permission..." Mariana put her hands together, begging Lena. "Ugh fine. But after her doctor's appointment." Lena caved in. "Yay!" Mariana jumped up and down, hugging Lena.

"Talya's here. See you guys." Brandon waved, leaving. "Don't break my car."

"School lunches today." Lena gave Mariana some money to share between the five of them. "Um... I'm vegetarian ." Evan admitted. "It's okay. I am too. I can show you to the salad bar." Mariana grabbed Evangeline's wrist and pulled her, while Jude, Jesus, and Callie followed.

(Skip to after doctor's appointment and school, because I'm lazy. Sorry❤)

Mariana, Callie, and Jude got an Uber- thanks to Mariana- and met Lena and Evangeline at the pharmacy. "Did you get your meds?" Callie asked. "Yeah." She put her pill bottle in her back pack, pulling the mini Cooper keys out. "Where are we going?" She asked Mariana. "There's an H&M near here. Then we can go to Aeropostale for Judicorn." Mariana said. "I hope it's okay I call him that."

"It's fine. You're as much his friend as I am his sister." Evangeline put her arm around her brother's shoulder. "Hey. I don't have any pictures of just Jude and I. Mariana. Would you?" Callie asked, pointing to Mariana's phone. "Of course. Get together." Mariana pointed her phone at them. "There you go." She showed them the picture.

Evangeline smiled

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Evangeline smiled. Her whole world in just one picture. The only reason she was still smiling in just one picture.

A/N: I'm sorry. This was more of a filler chapter. I hope I didn't disappoint with it❤

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