Girl no

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"Wait... Jessi, look." I said holding my phone up so she could see the live fight on Facebook of G and Niqo. Neisha was the cause of it. Knowing her ass, she could have possibly provoked it and  had no clue.

She turned her eyes from the road quickly then back to the road, but soon whip her neck back towards the phone. Shock written all over her face.

"Lil nigga got hands..." she said smiling to herself proudly. I frowned.

"That's not the point I was tryna make. Jessi, call Neisha and see if she's good. Where there's a fight there's a crowd." I sighed tuning out of the bullshit. I just wanna know if my best friends okay. She continued on her way and made a face like I  said something wrong.

"Did you just ask me to call your friend when I'm driving?" she asked  laughing. I placed my head in my hands and wanted to punch her.

"Shut up. I'm c-"

🎶B*tch I rock out like zeplin I'm in my zone I got powers. I got a mouth full a mone-🎶

"Jessi's phone. Who this?" I answered. In the corner of my eye I see her grip the steering wheel tight as hell. Imagination?

Jessi POV

Oh fuvk. Please be-

"She is. She's driving.... OK, I'll tell her.... Oh no! No! I'm a friend." She said defensively. Nobody but Nikki bruh.

I haven't heard from her in a while,  last week she called to tell me about her parents visit. Thay didn't go so well.

"Just a friend... no problem. Bye." she said hanging up and looking over at me distraught.

"W-who was it?" I asked turning on a main Street and parking at a lil seafood spot my dad told me about. Well, actually he whispered it after I told him I was ordering in.

"Jessi, I kno you ain't making dat pretty guh eat pizza. Go out. Chill. Hea go a coupla dollas.

With that being said, we were outta the house and now we were sitting in front of Mary's Seafood spot.

She had the most uncomforting look possible, but I made sure my face didn't change even though I was nervous as hell.

"Youur mom. Something about a-"

"Ahh, whatever. Venga" I spoke getting out the car without realizing I did it.

"Excuse me?" She said as I reached out to help her out my car. She grabbed my hand and we both pulled away immediately after.

Something about her hands made me wonder to her lips. Not those soft lips above, but those below the belt. I smiled absent mindedly and got a dose of reality when she punched me in the shoulder.

"Nothin I-"

"Shut up. Gimme those." She said snatching my keys and going for the drivers side.

"Yo! Whatchu doin?!" I complained as she hopped in and backed out moving my car away from the second parking spot I blocked for another car that soon pulled in. She quickly hopped out of my ride and threw my keys towards me.

"You can't drive for shxt." She laughed Then left into the old mom and pop place of business. Leaving me to follow her like a lost puppy.

"I got a license. Some of y'all down here can't say the same." I said sitting down in one of the booths in front of her. She scoffed and folded her arms over like the comment made her cold.

"Imma brush that slick comment off and start over witchu. I hate you." She spat seriously. I cringed so hard even my pops felt that one. I can her him now:
"Ah damn, lil woa lettin me down."

"Huh?" Was all I could manage to say. I mean... We was just laughing together in the classroom. How could someone so gorgeous be so nasty in 3.5 seconds?

"You heard me." She said looking at me straight on. "I hate that you get under my skin. I hate that you make me laugh. I hate that you so real that it makes me wanna cry." She shook her head and I tilted mine.


"Shut up. Your interrupting as fvck. Can we get to the point? Like, why am I really here?" She asked me getting up to go to the order window that looked like it was recently placed there due to some petty theft.

I watched her back for quite a while and smiled as I got up to stand kinda beside her but also towards the back of her. Getting a hint of her perfume.

"I wanted you to go to that Halloween thing with me." I answered. She jumped a little and looked back at me calmly. "I mean,  not with me but... Yeah, like there and stuff..." I said loosening all my cool points in that split second. She looked on past my words and frowned.

Outside the lil restaurant, that same pimped out Royal blue and gold Cadillac had pulled up bumping beats. I remembered it from the day I took Armomi to BK. 

I remember it from that store too and got an unsettling feeling in my chest as she watched Lanzé get out. Along with a couple of his boys that showed no care in the world as they flashed their guns and tucked them back into their waistbands come for the door.

"Let's go." KC says in a warning voice. She took my hand and soon we were going out the back way after asking Ms. Mary for permission.

All I could think in my head was what the fuck? And what's going on? Cause the sh!t didn't make sense to me. 

"Jessi!" she yelled at Me. Sounding hurt when I snatched away as soon as we got to my car.

"KC, jus- leave me alone." I said clenching my jaw and getting in without her. She pulled on my passenger door
And sat out in the chilly air looking cold, but she was mad hot right now.

And as I looked at her and pulled of,  I couldn't help but feel bad. Until he showed up from the shadows and hugged her waist.


"Dumbass lil guh! You left ha?" My pops asked after I shared some information. I shrugged like I didn't care or known to even do such a thing.

"She had help. She good." I said to him getting a smack to the back of the head. Something my mama would do if I treated somebody wrong. That was when I was younger. She changed since then.

"fvck da help. She was your heartbeat." he said rubbing my head and getting up to put our plates in the sink. I shrugged. I don't know about that no more.

Seems like all the people I talk to taken, crazy or pregnant. It's crazy.

"Whatever. I'm finna sleep." I said sighing and getting up to go to my room. WHAP!

"What the fvck?! Why you hit me with the towel?!" I shouted his way wiping my face of the wet towel and the after effect. I chuckled quietly and left out the kitchen to his room.

"Oh yeah, wash the dishes Jes. Since you skipped the rest of school." with that, he closed the door. Leaving me to myself and my thoughts.

"Yea, KC..." 


It's up there! 

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Thanks for reading and the new awesome followers. Love y'all

~LilJaguar outt! ✌

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