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Jessi POV

I smiled at nothing in particular as I drove away with her in some clothes that had me take a double look at her.

"You look good. Real good." I complemented. She looked at me smiled.

"Thanks.." was all I got from her and soon she turned towards the window with a hand on her lap and one under her chin. This is difficult


We ended up at the Highland Mall walking around for nothing.  I had bought a jacket and my hand Incase she needed it for the movie I planned on watching with her. But she didn't know that so as we pulled up at the IMAX theater in the shipping center, she froze in her spot befor,e we could get to the ticket booth.

"You didn't say anything about a movie." She protested to me as I turned to her. I sighed.

"You didn't say anything." I said making a point. She folded her arms and looked at me like I said somthing that was unfair. I began looking around to find somewhere else to go.

"How about we go to footlocker? I heard shoe?s calm the sole." I said walking that way. She struggled to let out a laugh and followed beside me.

"If your a sneaker head. I hate Jordans. I barely own a pair." She admitted rolling her eyes. Which made me look at her different. She not into expensive shit, so what is she into?

"I refuse to believe that. You look like J's chick."I joked. She shook her head.

"I'm tell you the truth. I only buy J's for my b-" she paused and I looked her way to see if she was good.

"Your what? Boyfriend? You still messing with that dude?" I frowned disappointed. I kinda figured she had but I guess I was wrong. But what if she meant bestfriend? I mean I could be wrong. So I gave it another go.

"Best Friend? I know Neshia wears Jordans." I said nodding so I would believe myself. She looked at me and got all quiet again. so we now ended up  passing footlocker.

"About this party... Who's all gonna be there?" She asked out of nowhere. Odd as it might be, we were just about passing up Party City. And I came to a conclusion that she knew that as I looked down at her.

"Me and G. And well, Neisha if she can. Niqo as well, but I don't think G gave him a invitation. He likes Neisha. G that is." I added babbling. She looked at me and laughed.

"That's not hard to believe. Gerald has been crushing on that girl since Pre-K and she never gave him the time of day. I'm Kinda surprised to hear her going with him to the party. At all cause she's mean." She laughed. I smiled. I guess people change.

"You mean like you?" I asked nudging her. She rolled her eyes and I had the urge to grab and hold her. Which is exactly what I did.


The sudden gesture had me tense. Not only was she holding me; I was comfortable with it like before. But I've been to this mall enough to know I see familiar faces in it 24/7. So, I was bound to get snitched on. And I'm not the one for putting people in my  drama.

"Let go. Please." I said it so plainly, a robot would have thought I was one of them. She backed away from me and began walking beside me. The quiet one now.

I felt bad, but why should I? She don't know me enough to be hugging on me. Don't even know my situation enough to like me like she does.

But she does. My conscience spoke. I rolled my eyes and sighing and shivering at the sudden breeze of cold air as we walked through the doors of the costume place.

"Sorry." She apologized out of nowhere tucking her hands in her jean pockets. I shrugged and looked around at the gross bloody masks on display. I turned to where Jessi was just standing and panicked. She was just right here. I thought to myself as I walked around the store towards the kids section. I should be taking Zay trick or treating this year cause I promised his grandma I'd give him some candy other than hers.

"He'd like this Spiderman suite." I smiled. I heard a thing crash another aisle and peeked over at Jessi laughing with no hesitation.

"Wow... That's a bad way to spy on people." I said shaking my head as she stood up in a Lightning McQueen outfit. Complete with the car around her waist and everything.

"I figured your little friend would like it." She smiled. I froze. So she does know about Zay? Well no, that can't be right. She would have mentioned him already. Or at least asked about him. She's that type of person. I think.

"You look disturbed. Did I do that?" She asked taking the car straps off and stepping out of the plastic vehicle towards me.

"No, I'm actually thinking if we should be here it not. Costumes seen kinda childish. I was thinking of 50 shade of grey outf-"

"Don't you think that's too out there. I mean your ass gone be all o-"

"Oh my gawd, not the bedroom scenes. Hell no. I was thinking of the ballroom scenery. Dressed up."I said smiling and picking up two black and white mask.

"Like prom?" She asked catching a me off guard real quick. I never got a chance to go to prom last year. Izayah's 6 lbs and 7 ounces ass was on the way.

"No, Izayah was born and all I could think abou-"

"Masks." Jessi interrupted holding out her hand. I made a face then looked up as I gave them to her. I hadn't noticed we moved or was in the line to purchase our items which gave me time enough to think on my sentence that had me stuck,but she hadn't noticed or was too busy digging in her wallet to really know what I just said.


Noise. She was talking noise all the way to the door, but I couldn't seem to hear it. Until she grabbed my waist and pulled me away from old grumpy eyes.

"Sorry." She apologized to an old couple as they grumbled on.

"You gotta watch where you goin or you gone end up in that old man's lap getting an ass whoopin about manners." She said shaking her finger at me like I was a little kid. I managed a Chuckle then a laugh and somehow I was crying all over again.

This is the second time I broke down in front of her. Only difference is the spaces and the faces around us. She seemed to embrace me even then. Even with the many people watching and somehow clapping and for some unknown reason. I also think I heard a camera. Or that could be my imagination.

"Congratulations sweet heart." I heard a voice say making us look up and get a flash of light in our eyes as they snapped a picture and ran off. I blinked a few times but never really got to see who it was. I pushed away from Jessi and felt more tears rush down my face.

This is not gonna be the end of this... At all. I thought as I pushed through the double doors distraught.

I'm still going strong. After the next chapter, im skipping ahead a couple of months. Thanks for all the love and guess in here. I really appreciate it. 💯💙 Do me a favor and vote in my last chapter.  Progress baby. Yeah,😁👏

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