Chapter Three

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Lucaya: No no no, I'm not scared to fall in love with him.

Me falling in love with Zay? This girl is crazy.

IAmBroken: Are you sure?

Lucaya: I already like someone.

IAmBroken: That's exactly why you may be scared. You think the boy you already like is all you need. You think he is the one. You don't want to be wrong, and falling in love with someone else would make you wrong.

Lucaya: Really?

IAmBroken: Obviously. If he does like you, it would make it too hard to not love him.

Lucaya: Wow. That... actually makes sense.

It makes way too much sense.

Lucaya: Thank you.

IAmBroken: Anytime, Lucaya.

Lucaya: Call me Maya.

IAmBroken: Got it Maya. And I'm Isabella. Hit me up anytime you need it.

Lucaya: See you later Izzy. (is it okay if I call you that?)

IAmBroken: Actually, that's perfect.

Lucaya: Cool cool. Bye.

IAmBroken: And remember, don't be afraid to fall in love.

  I could never actually like Zay, could I?

No. That's crazy. I'm never going to put myself into a love triangle that neither of the other ones know about.

Can you imagine having a love triangle and you are the only one aware of it? That would be a sad life.

*buzz buzz*


Oh no Miss Ray of Sunshine is calling.

"Hey Riley," I say.


"Riles," I say.

"That's much better," she says, laughing.

"You're such a dork."

"But I'm your dork."

We both laugh and I really wish I could punch her through this phone.

"Shut up," I say, "So why did you call exactly?"

"Oh! Guess who asked me on a date?" she shouted.

"Oh I don't know... Farkle?" I joke.

I wish it was Farkle. They would be so cute together. They really bring out the best in each other.

"Maya! No!" she yells.

"Calm down. I know it's Lucas," I say.

"Oh you were kidding?"

"I know you're dating Lucas, Riley."

Sometimes I don't know what to do with her.

"Ok. Well guess where we are going!" she shouts, back again to her perky self.

"Where?" I ask, but I really don't care.

"A baseball game!"

"Oh, who's playing?"

"I have no idea, but Lucas will be there and that is all I care about."

What? If she isn't the least bit interested maybe she should let me go instead. Sorry Riley.

I can't do this anymore. I shouldn't have given him up. I should have kept him while I had the chance. But I care about Riley so much, and I don't want her to get hurt. I would rather hurt myself than my best friend.

"I guess he is all that matters if you are on a date."

"Maya are you okay?"

"What do you mean?"

"You don't sound happy. I don't like it."

Then hang up.

"I'm fine Riley. Just... tired."

"Then go to sleep."

"Will do," I say then hang up without a goodbye.

I hope someday I get another chance with Lucas. Because right now, this is eating me alive.


@ nobody is reading this LOL (actually it has ten reads but shh)

(its honestly really crap though. when i am writing this authors note, I am already working on chapter five. prepare yourself.)

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