Chapter Nineteen

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I hate when everyone stares at me. I think they can sense exactly how I feel. They can see the awkward distance between Lucas and me. They know we want to be holding hands right now.

"Two tickets for Shattered Sunset," Lucas says to the girl in the ticket window.

"Which showing?" she asks.

It is  2:38 right now, and the next showing is at 3:30. I'm not really sure what he wants to do though.

"The 8:30 one," he says.

I guess we'll be waiting awhile. What are you up to Huckleberry?

"Okay here you go," the girl says.

"Thanks," Lucas and I say at the same time.

This is so weird. I hate being tense with him. It was much easier when he didn't know I like him.

"So, what are we going to do until then?" I ask.

He smiles at me all weird and then grabs my hand and starts pulling me into the mall.

"Whatever you want," he says.

"Have I ever told you that you are such a Huckleberry?"

"Maybe a few times, why?"

"I wanted to make sure you knew."

"Don't worry Maya, I know."

We start walking around the mall with no real goal in mind. It's a bit uncomfortable because we aren't talking, but being with him is okay.

"I don't want things to be awkward Maya," he says out of nowhere.

"Me either," I say.

"So what do we do?" he asks.

"I don't really know. Maybe we can play a game," I suggest.

"We should play truth or dare," he says.

"Yes! I love truth or dare!" I say a little too excitedly.

We sit down at one of the tables in the food court after ordering drinks.

"Ok Lucas you first," I say.

"Maya, truth or dare?" he asks.

"Dare, I want to be wild," I say.

"Interesting. I dare you to ask the McDonalds cashier for a refund," he says.

"But we didn't even order from McDonald's," I say.

"I know," he says with a smirk.

"Fine. Maya Hart doesn't turn down a dare."

I walk up to the counter slowly and the boy behind the counter looks at me.

"Hello ma'am, what would you like?" he asks cheerfully.

Hi Riley.

"A refund," I say bluntly.

"For what?"

"My crappy burger, it was disgusting and I am appalled that you people would have the audacity to sell that to me," I say, but I can't help but feel bad.

"I'm so sorry ma'am, we can't really give you a refund but we can give you another burger to compensate," he says.

"No, why would I want another one of those things?" I ask.

"I'm so sorry ma'am," he says shaking. I feel bad because he looks about our age and I could not handle this if I was him.

"Don't worry about it, this was just a dare. I'm sorry," I say.

"Oh man, you had me scared," he says and follows up with a nervous laugh.

"Yeah I'm sorry about that," I say.

"It's okay," he says then reaches out to shake my hand.

I start to walk away and then I hear him call out, "Nice acting by the way!"

When I get back to the table Lucas is laughing hysterically.

"Calm down Ranger Rick," I say.

"Sorry, that was great," he says still laughing.

"Okay Lucas, truth or dare?"


I could do some serious prying for information here, but I probably shouldn't.

"What is your biggest fear?"

"There are a lot of them."

"Well, just name one you are comfortable sharing."

"Well, I'm scared of being who I was in Texas."


"It caused me so much trouble and I am scared I will revert back to that somehow."

"Lucas, you won't."

"Do people really change Maya?"

"It depends."

"What do you mean?"

"Some people want to change. Even if they are never fully the opposite, they still have some control over their actions. So change doesn't have to be a 180, because you can change just by learning to deal with it better."

"Thanks Maya."

"No problem. I am always here if you need to talk."

"Okay, truth or dare?"

"What do you think?"


"You don't even have to ask at this point."

"It's a formality Maya."

"Ok, ok, go ahead and dare me already."

"I dare you..." he says with a long pause.

"You dare me to what? Hurry up cowboy."

"I dare you to kiss me."


"I dare you to kiss me."

"I said no."

"But I thought Maya Hart didn't turn down a dare."

"I will kill you," I say.

"I dare you to kiss me."



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