Chapter Thirty

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Something is wrong with Topanga? Now that's not okay. She is basically a mother to me. I start crying too. "What's wrong?"

"She quit her job," she replies. Why would she do that? She loves her job.

"Why?" I ask.

"She's... she's..." Riley says, but she keeps crying and can't finish.

"Take your time." I have never seen her so upset.

"She's going over to another country to volunteer. Apparently there was a really bad earthquake or something and she really wants to help." She keeps crying, burying her head into her hands. That definitely sounds like Topanga.

"How long will she be gone?" I ask.

"Anywhere from four to six months," she answers.

I get off my swing and walk behind Riley. I wrap my arms around her and rest my head on top of hers. I don't want to see her hurting like this.

"I just wish there was a better way for her to help instead of leaving," she says, still crying.

"She has to believe in this though. She wouldn't just leave the country if she didn't think it was the right thing to do," I say, trying my best to comfort her.

"You're right." She wipes her tears and I move back onto my swing. "Thank you for letting me cry. Now let's go have the best day ever."

We spend the entire day driving around the town, taking pictures, laughing, and enjoying each other's company thoroughly. I miss spending time with her. It's like I let Lucas take over my life instead of giving Riley the time she deserves.

Before sunset, we stop at one of the high peaks of the area. The sun is lingering over the houses. We sit on blankets on the ground, looking down at life below.

"They are so safe," Riley says. "It's like the sun is protecting them."

"The night is pretty dangerous. You never know what could be hiding around the corner."

"Do you think guys get as freaked out at night?" she asks. I've never really thought of that.

"I guess it depends on the guy. I mean, Lucas seemed pretty confident when we were together. I wasn't nervous because he was there, I know that for a fact."

"I wish I could walk alone at night. It seems so peaceful but I would never actually do it," she sighs.

"Great world, isn't it?" I ask sarcastically.

"Yeah. Meeting the world isn't always a good thing. Sometimes you learn things you never wanted to know. The world is always teaching you things, even if it's for the worst."

"Why do people have to be so horrible, Riley?"

"I have no idea. But what I do know is I'm really glad I'm here with you right now." She grabs my hand. "The best day of my life was the day we met."

"Mine too. I don't even want to imagine what life would be like if I didn't meet you." Riley has truly been the greatest influence in my life and I don't think I can ever repay her.

"Same here. I would probably be half the person I am today. You made me complete."

"You made me complete too. No one else could make me as full as you can, no one in the world. If I had to lose everyone in my life except one person, I would choose you to keep." It isn't that hard of a decision. Sure, I have Lucas, but he could never be more important than Riley. Dating is important, but not as important as having a best friend for life.

"I love you Maya."

"I love you too." I rest my head on her shoulder, still holding her hand. There is nowhere on the entire planet that I would rather be right now.

"Can we stay here forever?" she asks.

"I really wish we could. But sometimes you have to move."

"Like my mom..." I didn't mean that, oh no.

"That's not-" I start, but she cuts me off before I can finish.

"No, I know that's not what you meant. But I think I get it now. She couldn't just stay in one place because deep down she really felt like she had something to offer... She is truly the strongest person I know. I'm glad she's my mom."

"I think you get your strength from her," I say.

"No, I'm weak. But you Maya, you are just about as strong as she is. You will probably be right there with her in a few years."

"That is the nicest thing you could have ever said to me, Riley." A tear slips out of my eye. Being compared to the Topanga is truly an honor greater than any other.

"It's a compliment to her too," she says.

"That makes me feel even better," I say. "Thank you so much Riley. This really has been the best day of my life. You were right, and I don't say that very often."

"Thank you Maya." She gently taps me, so I pick my head up from off her shoulder. She pulls me into a tight hug and starts crying on my shoulder, which makes me cry too.

Here we are, crying on each other's shoulders under the beautiful sunset. There has been nothing in my entire life greater than this.

Thank you universe for giving me my best friend, and an amazing life. I have never felt more complete than right now.

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