Chapter Eighteen

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Though this was a once Ukrainian restaurant and Topanga decided to keep some of the food, it still has other foods. But for some reason, it surprised me when my mother placed a tuna melt in front of me. When she laid it down, my eyes widened.

"Do you not like it?" Lucas asks.

"I love it," I respond.

"I'm glad. You said surprise you so I went with something I knew you would like," he says.

"Thank you very much Huckleberry," I say smiling.

"You're welcome ma'am," he says tipping an imaginary hat. Suddenly, it feels like it did before we knew we liked each other.

"I hope this doesn't change anything," I say.

"You hope what doesn't change what?" he asks.

"I hope that us liking each other doesn't change anything between us," I say.

"Why would it? We have liked each other this whole time," he says.

"But we hid it all that time, we were just Lucas and Maya friends not Lucas and Maya dating," I say.

"Well we don't have to change because of that," he says.

"I guess that's true," I say taking another bite of my tuna melt.

"It is very true Maya," he says.

(girl meets true maya. this has nothing to do with the story butnit just reminded me of this so... sorry?)

"I don't think anything should happen really between us until we start dating though," I say.

"Okay," he says with a nod of approval.

"Is that okay?" I say.

I want to know how he feels about this, a relationship is about both of us.

"You don't think we are making a mistake by waiting do you?" he asks.

"What do you mean?"

"Like, you think we will be okay waiting for two weeks?"

"Of course we will be be, why wouldn't we be?"

"What if Josh finally decides he is ready?"

"I don't care about him.

"You don't?"

"No. He was just a crush, I could never like him the way I like you."

"Is the crush still there though?"

I haven't really thought about Josh lately. He was always just on obstacle for me honestly. He was the only thing, besides Riley, in between us. Did their family have something against us being together? Probably since Riley liked Lucas.

"No," I say clearly with a smile.

"I'm glad you're confident.

" I like you, not Josh."

"Good," he says smiling.

"But you didn't answer my question," I say.

"Well I thought even though we aren't dating we could still like do things friends would," he says.

"Hmm... Elaborate."

"Like you could maybe rest your head on my shoulder or we could hold hands at the theater or things friends do you know," he says stuttering every few words.

He wants to hold hands? It's happening.

"Only if it fits the moment."


"You can hold my hand if the moment is right. Not while something funny or something else like that is happening."

"I guess that is better than nothing."


"Are you sure we can wait?" he asks again.

"Why do you keep asking that?"

"Because I really like you Maya," he says.

"I really like you too," I say.

"So why should we wait?" he asks.

"For Riley. We wait for Riley," I say looking down.

"You always wait for Riley, Maya. Do something for yourself for once," he says. He sounds like a motivational speaker.

"That's because she's my best friend."

"Last time I checked, best friends don't make you do this for them."

"She isn't it is my choice."

"But you are doing it for her."

"She would do it for me."

"Are you sure about that?"

I'm actually not sure. She would try but I don't know if she actually would.

"Yes. She would try."

"But that's not good enough Maya."

"Okay well how long do you think we should wait?"

"I will tell you at the end of the movie."


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(p.s. sorry this is coming out so late/early. i wasn't at home and I didn't have internet so yeah. hope you enjoy anyways (((: )

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