Chapter Twenty Four

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(a.n. please read the thing at the end it's kinda important thanks.)

After about two hours of playing we were rounding the end of the game. It was down to Zay, Riley, Lucas, and I. Riley and Lucas only had one skip yet, because Riley refused to put her hand in the toilet and Lucas wouldn't stand outside shirtless in the cold for five minutes.

"Lucas, truth or dare?" Riley asks.

"You just had to pick me didn't you?" Lucas asked with a sarcastically angry tone and a slight smile.

"I have to eliminate the competition and you are the easiest to get rid of," Riley said rubbing her hands together.

"Truth," Lucas says smiling.

"Wimp," Zay says, coughing before and after the word. Lucas just gives him a glare from the corner of his eyes.

"Wait, since Farkle and Smackle are gone can we get into more of a circle because we're in too much of a line right now?" I ask. Zay and Lucas start to move over until we can all see each other without turning our heads too much.

"Okay Lucas. What did you do in Texas?" Riley asks. I can't believe she actually asked that. I have a feeling he would rather lose than tell us though.

"Well this has been fun," Lucas says standing up and grabbing his coat.

"You don't have to leave," I say.

"It's getting late, I probably should," he says.

"Okay, but please clean off your face before you go," I say. He just looks at me for a second but then the realization hits.

"Oh yeah, I probably should do that," he says, walking out of the room.

"Close the door," Riley says and he pulls it shut with a smirk.

"Well now it's just the three of us," Zay says.

"Okay Riley I guess you ask since you made him quit," I say.

"Zay, truth or dare?"

"Dare," he says.

"I dare you to go tackle Lucas before he leaves, just don't injure him or anything," she says.

"Uh, okay..." Zay says. He gets up and runs out the door.

"Wait for it..." Riley says holding up her finger. A slight thumping noise comes from the bathroom. We both start laughing hysterically.

Zay comes back into the room with a boastful grin.

"He didn't even question it," he says laughing.

"Okay so just to be clear, Riley is probably going to lose," I say.

"Hey!" she says with her voice raised. I wink at her and she scrunches her nose at me.

"Maya, you know the question," Zay says.

"Dare," I say. I can't wait to give Riley her dare, or truth I guess.

"Kiss Riley," he says.

"What?" I ask, my eyebrows moving closer together and my eyes squinting.

Does he seriously want me to do that? What kind of person suggests that? What if I would have dared him to kiss Lucas or Farkle? That's just, no.

"I forfeit," Riley says with her hand up.

"It's not your dare," Zay says.

"But I'm part of it so I quit the game. I will just watch you guys from up here," she says climbing onto her bed.

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