Chapter Twenty Eight

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I can't believe we are actually going to Texas again. The anticipation has been building for weeks and now it's happening.


My phone buzzes and I see that it's Lucas.

"Hey Maya. Are you ready?" he asks.

"Actually no. I don't think it's going to be that fun," I joke, trying to maintain a serious tone.

"Wait what? I thought you were excited."

"Not really. It's just another trip, right? No big deal."


"Lucas I'm joking." I still don't laugh.

"You sounded pretty serious."

"I mean if the art thing doesn't work out maybe I can be an actress."

"I hate you." He laughs.

"Not more than I hate you."

"Give me a break. You can't always win."

"It appears as if I already have." I laugh and hang up.


We all meet up at Riley's house. Lucas and Farkle are sitting on the couch talking while Riley is sitting on the floor eating a bag of chips. Zay and Smackle aren't here yet, but they should be here soon.

"I'm really excited," Farkle announced.

"Same," Riley, Lucas, and I say in unison.

"Don't do that again," Farkle says, and we all laugh.

"We won't." Riley smiles, sticking her hand into her bag to grab another chip.

Someone knocks on the door, so Lucas gets up to answer it. It's Zay. He seems really excited.

"Guys. I'm so ready you don't even understand." He jumps a few times for emphasis.

We talk for a bit before Farkle announces, "Smackle isn't coming."

"What?" Riley asks, pulling a confused face.

"I don't know, she said something came up," Farkle replies.

"That's kind of weird," Riley says, glancing up at the ceiling.

"Yeah," Zay chimes in.

"I guess we can go then, everyone grab your stuff," Topanga says.


We arrive in Texas hours later. I'm so glad to finally be here, I've missed this place a lot. I miss the stars and trees and campfires and actual houses.

''Let's go," Lucas grabs my hand. We walk out to where his grandfather is. He came to pick us up from the airport.

"Thanks for picking us up," Lucas says.

"Yeah. Thanks, Pappy Joe," I say. Lucas elbows me in the rib. I elbow him back, and eventually we are having an elbow fight in the back seat of the truck.

"Calm down you two," Pappy Joe says, shooting us a glare. I don't think he quite knows about the whole couple thing yet. We should probably tell him later.

"Sorry sir," Lucas apologizes. How adorable is that?

I lean over and whisper in his ear, "Sir."

He glances at me and leans over to whisper, in the thickest southern accent he has ever done, "I'm going to have to ask you to stop that, ma'am." He leans back and tips an imaginary hat at me.

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