Chapter Twenty Nine

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"Wake up Maya!" A voice yells, snapping me out of my sleep.

I look around at my surroundings, "When did I get here?"

"You feel asleep so I carried you back," Lucas says.

"Okay good because I was beginning to think that was all a dream," I say.

"It wasn't a dream at all, I can assure you." He smirks.

"I think you're going to have to prove that to me." I wink. His face contorts into a couple different positions before he realizes what I mean.

"Oh, alright." He sits down next to me on the bed.

"Helloo," I say, smiling.

"Is it okay if I kiss you, Miss Hart?" he asks.

"Nah, I'm not really up for it right now," I joke.

"But you just-"

"I'm kidding, but you better do it before I change my mind." I wink.

There is something that feels so amazing about having someone around that cares about me so much. The fact that he asked, even after I basically asked him too, says a lot. Even if he was joking, it it literally the most beautiful thing anyone has ever done.

"Hey Lucas?"

"Yeah?" he asks.

"You know the popular places around here. Would you maybe like to go on a date tonight?" I ask.

"Nah, I'm not really up for it right now," he says, clearly mocking me.

"Alright then," I say.

"No but seriously, I would love to but I'm going to a movie tonight with Zay," he says.

"Oh that's fine then. I was going to hang out with Riley today anyways so at least we have more time now," I say.

"Cool cool."

"Cool... now can you please leave so I can change? Thanks dude." He smiles, stands up, and leaves.


"Maya!" Riley yells when I walk into the living room.

"Riley!"I yell back.

"Today is going to be the greatest day of your entire life," she says, not quite yelling but extremely enthusiastic.

"I bet it is," I say, trying to match her level of enthusiasm, but as usual, I fall a bit short.

"First we are going to-" she starts, but I cut her off.

"Don't spoil it. Surpise me."

"Okay Peaches but you are going to be real surprised." She smiles, the signature Riley smile I love so much.

"When do we start?" I ask.

"Now." She grabs my hand and drags me out the door. She keeps pulling me until we get to the car, quite conveniently prepared with a driver.

"Wow you really have this planned out don't you?"

"Maya you are my best friend and you deserve it."

We climb into the black car. The seats are all made of leather. There is a soft, fluffy blanket running across the back seat.

"Just close your eyes and enjoy the ride," Riley says.

After about fifteen minutes we arrive at a park. There is no one around except a woman and two kids. They are both on a see saw, but they are trying to keep it balanced in the middle.

"Those kids have a good idea of what friendship is," I say.

"What do you mean?" Riley asks.

"They are trying to keep the see saw balanced, Riles. They don't want to take too much from each other and they are both putting in the same amount of effort to keep it there," I say.

"Well yeah, but changes happen Maya. Sometimes you go through ups and downs just like a see saw. Trying to keep it from changing takes all the fun out of it," Riley says.

"But it isn't fair that one person can be on top while the other is on the bottom," I say.

"But it's bound to happen. See saws aren't very good to represent it at all. I see the two ends of the see saw as enemies. Everytime the other gets to the top, the other person pushes themself up, but in the process knocks the other person down," Riley says.

"Well that's no fun." I stratch my neck. "Aren't you supposed to be the optimistic one?"

"I don't know anymore, Maya." She looks at the kids again.

"Do you want to swing?" I ask, trying to change the subject. Something seems a bit off but I'm not sure what.

"Sure," she says, "I know how much you like swinging."

We sit down and Riley reaches over and grabs my hand.

"Okay Maya, I have to tell you something really important, which is why I'm holding your hand right now," she says, avoiding eye contact.

"What's wrong Riles?" I ask, giving her hand a small squeeze.

"It's big."

"Well I don't see how anything you are about to say could change anything that much."

"Maya." She turns her head to look me in the eyes. "Something is wrong."

"Riley what's wrong?"

"Well... while we were in the car on the way here I got a text." She looks away again.

"About?" I ask.

"Something is wrong with my mom." She looks down and starts to cry. I hear her sniffling and coughing, but she won't look at me.


A/N: Finally we got here. I am really considering starting a new fanfic for another show.. If anyone can guess either a. what the show is or b. who the ship is, i will definitely start the thing.

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