Chapter Six

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Could it be possible that after all this time, he hasn't stopped loving me? Has he been waiting for me to ask since he couldn't ask me? I am so confused.

Lucaya: So me and Mr. Boy are going to go see a movie.

IAmBroken: Your friend is okay with it?

Lucaya: She trusts us. And the other boy is coming too.

Lucaya: They both had the same movie in mind to hang out

IAmBroken: Have fun.

Lucaya: Thanks.

I am so confused. I know I am selfish - but I wish it was just me and Lucas. I have to be careful though

This isn't a date. This is just hanging out. It is not a date. It is not a date.

It would be really nice to be able to lay my head on his shoulder while I cry.

Lucas: Hey Maya. Sorry for just hanging up earlier.

Maya: No problem. Have you talked to Zay yet?

Lucas: Yes, I actually have.

Maya: Cool cool. What did he say?

Lucas: Well I kind of asked him if it was okay if I just took you.

Are you serious?

Maya: Okay. What did he say?

Lucas: Well it took a lot of convincing but he said it would be fine.

Maya: A lot of convincing huh?

Lucas: Well we haven't really hung out... just you and me.

Maya: Mhm, that's why I wanted to do something.

Lucas: Well I'm glad you asked. I wanted to invite you to do something but I was scared that Riley would think it wasn't innocent.

Can it not be innocent?

Maya: Well I'm glad she trusts us.

Maya: Oh yeah I do have one question though.

Lucas: What?

Maya: They aren't any... campfires in that movie theater right?

Lucas: Stop.


Lucas: Don't call me a loser 😂

Maya: Oh stop being so innocent.

Lucas: Stop acting like a child. 😂

Maya: Offended. 😂

Lucas: Good. *tips hat*

Maya: *throws hat into fire*

Lucas: Well you got me there.

Maya: See I always win.

Lucas: Always?

Maya: Yes. You can't win because you are too nice.

Lucas: Are you sure about that?

Maya: Stop asking questions and accept your failure.

Lucas: You are so stupid. 😂

Maya: Not as stupid as you. #GetRekt

Lucas: I would take that as an insult, but considering who I'm talking to...

Maya: Watch it.

Lucas: Lol. Good night Maya.

Maya: Good night. See you at school.

Lucas: Sweet dreams.

They can be now.

Maya: Don't dream about me okay.

Lucas: No promises.

Only I am allowed to flirt sir.

Maya: Want me to tell your girlfriend that?

Lucas: Ok ok I won't.

Maya: You better not. My face is copyrighted.

Lucas: Sure it is.

Maya: I will sue you.

I hate school mornings. My hair looks like crap, my eyes won't stay open, and I really don't want to get up.

I love dreams, but at the same time I hate them. It makes you feel great during it, but then when you wake up you feel like you didn't get any sleep. It's magic, but also tragic.

Is it true that if you dream about something there is a chance of it happening? Can dreams be like visions foreshadowing your future? When it happens, you remember the dream, and you just know. Nobody else does, but you do. That could make the moment, depending on what it is, more special.

So if my theory is correct, I do have a chance with Lucas. He will grab my hand during the movie. He will then let go and put his arm around me, pulling me closer and letting me cry on his shoulder.

It will be magical. I am going to hope for this.

But would he cheat on Riley?

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