Chapter Twenty Three

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Hello. Before I begin I just want to thank everyone who's still reading this. Like it has 2000 reads; that is the highest amount of reads I've ever had on anything on here.

So yeah, I just want to say thanks to the people who are still reading, voting, commenting and stuff. I didn't think anyone would want to read it since gmw was cancelled. I was almost tempted to stop writing it but I have to finish it.

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.


"Actually uh," Farkle says scratching the back of his neck.

"No," Smackle says for him.

"Oh," Riley says.

"We talked about it and decided it would be better if we just stayed friends," Farkle says.

"I'm proud of you guys," Riley says.

"Thanks," Smackle says. A slight smile appears on her face.

"Truth or dare, Zay?" Farkle asks.

"Is that even a question? Dare dude."

"I dare you to post on Instagram that you're in a relationship with..." Farkle starts, putting his hand on his chin and  lightly stroking it.

"Oh no..." Zay says.

This is going to be interesting.

"Smackle," Farkle finally decides. Zay's face turns from confident to anxious almost immediately.

"Wait what?" he asks.

"Do it."

"Well how long do I have to leave it up? Am I allowed to say it was a joke after?"

"Two hours; and obviously."

"Oh, okay... good," Zay says. His face seems more relaxed.

"Just don't tag me. Please," Smackle says looking out the window.

Farkle probably should have asked if she was okay with this, but I guess there isn't a rule saying he has to.

"Oh yeah I forgot," Riley says, "Maya and Lucas are dating so please respect that."

I'm really glad she said that. I see her looking at me and I flash her a little smile, and I can tell Lucas is happy about that too.

"Okay it's posted. Thanks a lot, Farkle," Zay says with a slight smirk on his face.

"See, it wasn't too bad now was it?" Farkle asks, giving a fake frown like a puppy.

"I hate you," Zay says with a smile and slightly chuckles after.

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