Chapter Fifteen

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I tap Riley's name because this is too important for the group chat.

Maya: Riley.

Riles: Maya.

Maya: Who are you talking about?

I know she means me, but maybe I'm over thinking this. I highly doubt it though.

Riles: You know who.

Yep. It's me.

Maya: Do I?

Riles: Maya it's okay if you like him.

Maya: Riley...

Riles: Look. I have seen the way you look at each other. I see how happy you guys are around each other. You make each other better people.

Maya: Riley... I'm so sorry.

Riles: How long have you liked him?

Maya: I've always liked him.

Riles: Thank you for stepping back for me. I really appreciate it, I really do. You couldn't protect me much longer. I don't think me and him were ever going to make it very long. But even though you liked him, you let me have him because you love me.

Maya: I would never steal anything from you.

Riles: I know you wouldn't. That's why I know you love me. I know you would do anything to make me happy. I hope I can do that for you someday.

Maya: You have, you are right now.

Riles: No I'm not. I didn't break up with him for you. I wish that was the reason. It was part of it, but it's not the entire thing.

Maya: Okay, but it's still part. You don't have to step back.

Riles: I'm not ending the relationship because I have to, I'm doing it because I want to. The third reason didn't hit me until I woke up this morning. I always thought he still liked you, but it never even occurred to me that you still liked him.

Maya: I did a good job then. Please don't tell Lucas though.

Riles: Why?

Maya: As far as we know, he doesn't like me.

Riles: He does!

Maya: You don't know that Riley.

Riles: Have you seen the way you guys look at each other? Have you seen the way he smiles when you tease him? Have you noticed that you can control him when none of us can?

Maya: That doesn't mean he likes me though.

Riles: Sure.

Maya: Riley!


Maya: He doesn't like me.

Riles: He does. You have to hope Maya.

Maya: Even if he does like me, we aren't going to date.

Riles: And why not?

Maya: Because it's kind of harsh to date your best friend's ex after they just broke up.

Riles: You have a point. But how long would you wait?

Maya: Until you were okay with it.

Riles: I'm okay with it now.

Maya: But I still have to wait. If he does like me and wants to date, I want to make sure he is dating me for me and not for a way to get his mind off you.

Riles: I guarantee you he will want you for you.

Maya: We'll see.

Lucas finally breaks his silence, "Riley's talking about you isn't she?"

What? How does he know that?

"What makes you think that?" I ask.

"You told me," he says.


"Before the football game. You told me Riley thought I still liked you."

I really regret telling him that now.

"Oh, maybe she does mean me then," I say.

"Maya you know exactly who she meant."

"What makes you say that?"

"You have been texting her the past ten minutes."

"What makes you think I was texting her?"

"Who else would you be texting?"

"I have other friends."

"Then who were you texting?"

"Riley," I say sighing.

"Ha, I told you," he gloats.

"Ha-hur," I say quickly under my breath

"I heard that," he says smiling.

"Of course you did," I say.

After a few minutes a silence, he asks, "Why did you tell me to pick Riley?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Well is Riley's prediction correct?"

Does he mean entirely or just my half?

"Which part?"

"The whole thing."

"Well I don't know if your part is correct or not Lucas."

"Okay well what about your part?"

"No," I say. This conversation is starting to remind me of Texas all over again.

"Oh," he says looking at me.

"Well what about your part? Was she right?"

He looks at me for a couple seconds and then smiles.

"There's a possibility."



I love that I am a fast reader because we are reading a book in English and since I finished I write in there.. and study hall.. and on the bus.. and at home. I WRITE A LOT OKAY THATS WHY I AM DOING TWO CHAPTERS TODAY WOO.

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