Chapter Twenty Six

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Waking up in someone else's house is always a special kind of weird.

I have gotten used to waking up at Riley's house. Her house is almost more of a home to me than my own home. But then again, Riley feels like home, so anywhere she is feels safe.

But waking up here feels weird, unsafe. Not unsafe in a sense of me getting physically injured, but like an uncharted territory where you have no idea what is going to happen next.

I wonder if Zay is awake yet. What time is it?

I reach over to grab my phone.


3 messages.

Wow people are actually messaging me, that's new.


I wonder what he wants.

Lucas: Hey Maya, are you okay?

Lucas: Maya? Zay told me you were spending the night at his house are you okay?

Lucas: Maya?

That is actually adorable.

Maya: Yeah, sorry. I'm fine. I just woke up.

Lucas: Oh okay. I just wanted to make sure.

Maya: Why wouldn't I be okay?

He starts typing, but stops almost instantly. Did he seriously just leave me on read?

Maya: I saw you typing. :/

Lucas: I don't really think I should say.

Lucas: Are Zay's parents still there?

Maya: I don't think so? I mean I heard his mom leave for work earlier. She kinda woke me up.

Lucas: What about his dad?

Maya: No clue.

Lucas: Oh.

Maya: Why?

Lucas: Just wondering.

Sure you were.

Maya: If you don't tell me I'm never going to know.

Lucas: I don't know about that.

Suddenly I hear a thump coming from upstairs. Maybe Zay fell out of bed. There was only one thump and it wasn't very loud.

Maya: Why?

"Zay wake up!" I hear. I'm assuming it's his dad.

Maya: Also his dad is home.

Lucas: He is?

Maya: Yes, I just said that.

Lucas: Get out.

Maya: What?

Lucas: Maya. Trust me. Just leave. Come over to my house and I can explain. Please trust me.

Maya: Okay?

I start to sit up when I hear another noise from upstairs. It sounded like a glass breaking.

I get off the couch and start quietly running to the door. What could possibly be going on up there?


Before I even have a chance to knock, Lucas is already opening the door. He grabs me quickly and pulls me into a tight hug.

"What was that for?" I ask, pulling away. Not that I minded it at all.

"Just come inside," he says grabbing my hand and pulling me inside. He leads me over the the couch and gestures for me to sit down.

"Are your parents home?" I ask.

"No, but that's not important right now."

"Okay. What is then?"

"How do you know his dad was home?"

"I heard him," I say raising my eyebrows.

"What did he say?"

"He was telling Zay to wake up."

"So you didn't see him?"

"No, I was sleeping on the couch."

"So was his dad yelling?"

"I guess, why is this important?"

"His mom wasn't home?"

"I told you she left."

"Yeah, sorry."

"So what exactly is wrong? I'm still very confused."

"I'm going to tell you, but you have to swear that you will say nothing. Okay?"



Hi. So I apologize for the short chapter after taking so long to update...

But, if I tell you why, maybe you can forgive me.

I started the new book. It is Lucaya, and I have written the prologue and part of the first chapter. I'm not posting anything yet because I want to edit it and not just first draft everything like I am for this book. I'm probably going to write and edit at least three or four chapters before I start posting just so I have updates while I am writing it.

So yeah, I have been working on two books and that one will probably take this one over because it has much more of a plot and storyline and I promise you that you will probably like it more.

If you want to know when it comes out, you can follow me. I think I'm going to either end this book at 40 or 50 chapters, depends on how much I can get done.

Thanks and see you next chapter. :)

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