Chapter Eleven

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"Where are your parents?" I ask.

"I don't really know," he says.

"It's 5:15 what do we do?"

"I can call them."

"Ok call them."

I hear the ringing coming from his phone as he tries to call his mom. But when she answers, I can't hear her.

"Hey Mom where are you guys at?"

"What do you mean?"

"Are they okay?"

"When will you get here?"

"What should Maya and me do?"

"Okay bye."

I don't know what happened, but something tells me we will be waiting awhile.

"What was that about?" I ask.

"Apparently some guy fell and cracked his head so my parents, being the nice people they are, drove him to the hospital because they didn't want to call an ambulance because they figured it would be longer for an ambulance to come than for them to take him," he says.

"That's terrible," I say genuinely.

"Yeah, apparently he only needs stitches though. They said it should only be a little bit but they want to drive him back," he says.

"Oh that's good," I say with a sigh of relief.

"Yeah. Also I have been meaning to ask you something," he says, awkwardly placing his hands in his pockets.


"Why did Riley get so upset the other night?"

"I think she is scared to lose you."

"What do you mean?"

"She is scared she isn't good enough, scared you want someone else."

"Oh," he says biting his lip.

"What is that about?"


"Why did you bite your lip?"


"Lucas you do not like someone else," I say raising my voice.

"Maya, I like Riley."

"Then why didn't you tell her that?"

He just looks at me, like I put him under a spell or something.

"Can we not fight? Can we talk about something else?"

"Lucas do you really like her?"

"Yes I like her, but I don't know if I love her."


I apologize this is short but I was running out of time and I wanted to update. If I dont update tomorrow for whatever reason I will update twice (or more) Saturday. I actually may write a lot Friday night/Saturday bc I won't be very busy ❤

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