Chapter Eight

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Riles: Hey Peaches...

Maya: Yeah?

Riles: Nothing happened between you and Lucas did it?

Maya: Heck no. Why?

Riles: He just seemed so... guilty when I saw you guys in the hall.

Maya: I noticed that.

Riles: So why was he guilty if nothing happened?

Maya: You're asking the wrong person. I haven't even figured it out myself yet.

Riles: I'm scared Maya.

Maya: Of what?

Riles: I'm scared that Lucas is going to leave me.

Maya: Why?

Riles: Because there are so many people better than me out there he could choose from. I hope he likes me enough to stay.

Maya: Riley you are an amazing person. He would be stupid to want anyone else.

Riles: But he did.

Maya: What do you mean?

Riles: He liked you too Maya.

Maya: But he chose you.

Riles: Did he?

Maya: What do you mean Riley?

Riles: I mean what if he only chose me because you like Josh. Maybe he only chose me because there was no threat to picking me.

Maya: That's ridiculous.

Riles: No Maya it isn't ridiculous. I know it may sound that way, but I have spent many nights thinking about this. He had so many reasons to choose you, but he chose me. He chose me because I was the safe option to prevent him from being hurt. It makes too much sense to not be true.

Maya: Riley there are so many things that make a lot of sense that aren't true.

Riles: Like what?

Maya: A lot of conspiracy theories. They make a lot of sense sometimes but that doesn't make them true.

Riles: But see, this isn't based on fact. His decision wasn't fact or proof, it was feeling. He felt like getting hurt was not the way to go so he chose the girl who only liked him and no one else. The best way to prevent getting crushed.

Maya: Riley...

Riles: Is it bad that I don't trust him?

Riles: Maya... please.

Maya: Maybe...

Riles: I love you.

Maya: I love you too.

Riles: Thank you for being honest. You are the best friend I could ever have.

Maya: I know.

You don't even know Riley.

Riles: So what do I do from here?

Maya: I don't know.

Riles: Should we just be friends?

Maya: Riley. Do you love him?

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