Chapter Ten

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Lucas raises his hand.

"Yes, Lucas?" Mr. Matthews asks.

"Maya and I have to leave," he says.

He looks at me, "Why do you have to leave Maya?"

"We are going to a football game together," I say.

He stares at Lucas, and then looks at Riley.

"Didn't he invite you to that Riley?" he asks.

"Yes but I told him I didn't want to go," she says.

Then he turns his focus back to Lucas, "You better not do anything to her or you will fail this class."

Lucas laughs and then says, "She is safe, sir."

"Okay, well you two can go," he says.

Lucas gets up and then gestures for me to grab his hand. Instead, I give him a high-five. The whole class starts laughing and I know I have achieved my goal.

If it was any other situation, I would have grabbed it without question. But I won't do that in front of Riley, because then even if I did it for  joke, she would see I liked it.

We walked out and I turn back and Riley and I exchange a smile. I can't lose her trust on this trip.

We arrive to the general vicinity of the stadium at 3:18. Time to explore.

"Okay, so make sure you come back to this fountain before 5. You have about an hour and forty five minutes," his mom says pointing at us.

"Yes ma'am," Lucas says.

We both start walking and he asks, "So what exactly do you want to do?"

"I don't know. Up to you," I say with my eyes locked on the sidewalk ahead of me.

"Maya are you okay?" he asks and grabs my shoulder to make me stop.

"What do you mean?" I ask with a small laugh and then look at him.

"Well you were looking at the ground I thought you were upset," he says.

"Oh, I guess that can be a bit confusing," I say still looking at him.

"Well yeah, don't need you being sad at a football game," he says and laughs.

This is really awkward.

"Ok this feels awkward," I say.

"A little bit," he says.

"Well stop," I say shoving him.

He starts laughing then pushes me back.

"Wanna race to that bench?" he asks.

"Don't trip!" I shout after taking off.

We both begin to bullet toward the bench as fast as we can possibly go. He thinks he is ahead and keeps looking back and smiling like a Huckleberry. I decide enough is enough and do my final push and get past him. He just stares at me smiling as I pass him and then I win.

"Well done Maya," he says while heavily breathing.

"Not too bad yourself," I say.

We both sit down and talk for a little bit until we see an ice cream cart.

"Wanna get some ice cream?" he asks.

"Only if you're paying."

"Alright. Let me guess what you want... Strawberry."

"Actually yeah... that's what I was going to say."

How does he know that? Like seriously I never told him. Did he ask Riley? Wait why would he ask Riley? Just randomly like, "Oh hey Riley what is Maya's favorite ice cream?" Seriously that isn't how these things work. Is he stalking me?

"Two strawberry cones, please," he says.

He gives the man the money and takes the cones.

"Which one do you want?" he asks.

"Does it matter?" I ask then grab one.

"Cheers," he says with a cheesy grin on his face.

I ignore him and take a lick of the ice cream. He does the same thing then says, "Just do it, stop being lazy."

Then we tap our ice cream cones together.

"You didn't lick the side you touched mine with did you?" he asks.

"No promises," I say with an evil smile.

"Well I did," he says.

"What?" I shout.

"Calm down I'm just kidding," he says while laughing hysterically.

"I hate you."

"Sure ya do," he says, and my response is punching his arm as hard as I can.

"Ow," he says and over dramatically grabs his arm.

"Your sarcasm is not appreciated Mr. Friar," I say, pulling down imaginary glasses.

"You know you love it," he says.

"Not as much as I love when I do it," I say and he just looks at me.

"Well it's almost 4:50, we better get to the fountain," he says.

"Let's go," I say.

We start walking back to the meeting spot, and part of me really wishes he was holding my hand right now.


So idek what this chapter is but it is relevant to the story so yeah.

sorry it took me so long to update btw  lol

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