Chapter Twenty One

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I probably shouldn't do it, but what is a girl supposed to do? I like him and he likes me, isn't that enough?

"I told you we have to wait," I say.

"Well are you sure?" he asks, looking me directly in the eye.

"No," I say pulling his face closer, like he did to me in Texas.

"Does this mean what I think it means?" he asks smiling.

"You tell me," I say.

He looks at me for about two seconds then pulls me in close and  kisses me. He doesn't do anything crazy, he's very gentle. I think I like it better this way.

"Thanks for keeping your tongue in your mouth," I say smiling, and stifle a small laugh.

I said all along that I didn't want this to happen, and honestly, maybe I didn't. But my opinion has changed now. I feel like this has been bound to happen ever since Texas. Maybe I'm crazy, but I really like this boy.

"Hey, that will come eventually," he says.

"I'd rather it not," I say laughing. I don't know, but the idea of someone else's tongue entering my mouth always somewhat freaked me out.

"Hey, whatever you want," he says smiling.

"So are you excited for Texas?" I ask.

"Definitely. Maybe this time we can go back to the campfire and I can do it right this time," he says.

"Did you actually want to kiss me that day? Or were you being honest when you said it was the only way to stop me?" I ask.

"That's for you to figure out," he says with a mischievous look on his face.

"Rude," I say, then punch his arm like I always do.

"Stop punching me!" he exclaims like a baby would.

"Aw, does it hurt?" I ask, also sounding like a baby.

"Leave me alone," he says.

"You sound like a toddler," I say.

"You're bullying me," he says.

"No I'm not," I say.

"Now you sound like a baby," he says.

We both start laughing hysterically. My stomach starts to tighten up and my eyes are filled with tears. I look at Lucas and his face is starting to turn the color of a tomato.

"Aw how cute, you look like a tomato," I say. We both start laughing even harder.

I love moments like this. These are the moments you never forget; the moments you spend with the people you care about. It's cliché, but if I could stay here in this moment for the rest of my life, I would do it.

"We should go," Lucas says after we laughed for about five minutes.

He puts his arm around me and we make our way to the door. I see a girl staring at us with an evil look and then she starts to walk up to us, stopping us before we could get to the door.

"Hey Lucas. I see you have another girlfriend. What happened to Riley? Was she not good enough?" the girl asks, with a satisfied smile.

"Leave me alone Amanda," Lucas says, pulling his arm off of me.

"Just answer me, and I will leave," she says.

"Riley and I are still friends. But I don't see why it's any of your business," Lucas says.

"Well because she seems really depressed. Didn't you see her Instagram post?" she asks.

"No," Lucas says.

She pulls out her phone and holds up Riley's latest picture.

"It's just a selfie," Lucas says.

"Read the caption," she replies.

She shines brighter than the stars, but she doesn't know how amazing she is.

"How is that depressing?" I ask, butting into the conversation.

"I'm not talking to you, new girlfriend," she says.

"Leave her alone!" Lucas shouts.

The whole section of the mall gets quiet, but after about two seconds everyone returns back to their conversations.

"Aw how cute. Do you really think I'm scared of you Lucas?" she asks.

"You should be. You of all people should know what I'm capable of," he says.

"Oh, like when you-" she starts, then Lucas grabs her and covers her mouth.

"If you have any common sense, you will be quiet and stay away from me and my friends," he says, then grabs my hand and pulls me out.

"Who was that?" I ask.

"Amanda Michaelson," he says.

"Well who is she?" I ask.

"She went to school with me in Texas," he says.

It all makes sense now. She was about to tell me why Lucas got kicked out of school.


HELLO. Sorry it has been so long since I updated. I am going to *try* to update again. I know this chapter wasn't amazing or anything, but I hope you still enjoyed it. Byee.

(chapter twenty one. I have as many chapters as pilots. isn't that something.)

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