Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Once I walked outside the door of my new room I began to calm down. I don't know why it had taken so much courage to leave the room, but none the less, it did. I looked to both my left then my right and had no idea which way to go. I mean seriously I had no idea where I even was. The parties he held always took place down stairs. The only people that went up here were looking for some different kind of party and I am not interested in that sort of... Entertainment.

Back to the problem. I don't know which way to go. Both ways look exactly alike. Both directions would leave me down a long hallway. A very very long hallway.

"Eeny. Meany. Miney. Moe. Catch a tiger by the toe. If he hollers let him go. My.....", I broke off mid rhyme.

"Left!" I quickly chose and began running. Tears streamed down my face as I ran forward blindly. I couldn't believe a stupid child's rhyme had brought me down to this. I dragged my arm across my eyes but that didn't help in the slightest. My emotions were so unpredictable these days. I could only hope mental breakdowns wouldn't become a normal occurrence for me. I wasn't even quite sure why I was running. Maybe I should add it as a hobby to get rid of some of my crazy. Jeez this hallway was long. Was I still crying? Yes. Unfortunately I was and I couldn't see in the slightest.

I finally reached the corner and whipped as fast as I could around it. Two feet down that new hallway I collided with something solid.

"Oof!," I made a small shriek as I began to fall forward. Instead of collapsing on the ground I collapsed on something entirely different. I was still unable to see well but my vision cleared up rather quickly after collapsing.

"Oh my gosh! I- I am so sorry!" I scrambled around trying to move but something stopped me.

"Woah. Woah. Don't move yet." Josh spoke quickly. He tightened his grip around me and I realized when I fell he had quickly chosen to wrap his arms around me. A blush enveloped my face. Out of instinct he had taken the fall for me. I started blushing uncontrollably and at that moment I was almost glad my face was all ready red and puffy from crying. Honestly at this point I didn't care how horrible I looked. My life already sucked enough. No royalty-like home could fix that. I was only fooling myself.

Though looking into Josh's eyes... I was having trouble convincing myself everything was all bad.






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