Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Kaeston's Point Of View

I can feel her unease through the bond of the tattoo. Human's emotions are just so raw. They are so vulnerable and so very predictable.

To be honest I had begun to worry that I'd never find the right one for the... Job.

I want to collect her. It frustrates me that she disregarded my warnings.

People normally can't help but do as I say. I mean that is the perk of having the power to influence and control people through the pure will of your voice.

But in order to do so, one has to be very strong and powerful. And of course.... I'm both.

Yet this girl seems to be close to being almost immune to my abilities. Which should be impossible. Especially considering she is a Human!


I will collect her once I have everything situated.

I have, of course, always been known for being prepared for everything.

That and Dangerous. Although that should go without saying at this point.

Despite everything I will keep myself occupied by prepping everything for when the time comes. The time is already approaching quickly.






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