Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Once I was dressed I took a deep breath as I stood before the door that led out of my room. I ran a hand through my hair nervously. I quickly and quite suddenly grabbed the door handle and yanked the door open before I could change my mind.

Once it was open I stepped slowly out of my room, my sudden confidence gone and I looked back longingly at the bed. I then closed the door reluctantly behind me and began aimlessly walking.

I passed many rooms as I meandered but even though I was curious, my need for answers kept me going. I had no idea how long he would wait for me before he'd run out of patience and decide to find me on his own.

As I walked I started to get more and more frustrated until finally, I stopped in my tracks.

"How the hell am I supposed to get to where he is? I don't even know where the hell I am," I passed,"again!", I frustratingly muttered this to myself loudly all pissed off with how messed up this whole situation had become.

Right then the tattoo on my neck began to warm up and my eyes widened. It's not that it hurt at all. It just caught me off guard.


Now I have even more questions.

As it warmed up, all of a sudden, I just knew where to go.

I had a weird sensation of where exactly it was I had to go. Where he was.

I turned around because I had been going the wrong way. As I backtracked I turned down a small hall I hadn't noticed. It had a few small stairs that led down and then bent to the right where I continued down more stairs... which eventually led to a door.

I looked back up the stairs as if I had a choice to turn back around.

I wish I had a choice. If I had the inkling of one I would be out of here as fast as my clumsiness would allow. Unfortunately I don't have that luxury.

As I was stalling outside of the door a gasp escaped me as I felt a wave of an emotion of impatience flood through me. What scared me was not the emotion itself.

What scared me the most was the fact that it wasn't mine.






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